Chapter 1

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The first week of classes has just started and I already feel overwhelmed. Right now the only thing that can save me is coffee, a book, or a nap. Nothing more. I've been stuck in the large high school library for nearly three hours straight writing a three-thousand-word summary about a writer of our choice. Around me are loads of piles of Jane Austin books, as well as other grammar books and additional subjects. My computer has already warned me of the lack of battery, so I decide to end this work for today. I pack most of the things in my bag, carrying a few books in my hands, and head to my room. As I walk through the hallways, I notice the old paintings that decorate the walls of the old but preserved building. This whole school emanates a wonderful energy, a feeling of comfort that makes me feel at home. Just thinking that this will be my last year, even tears come to my eyes. Ever since I came in, I've loved this place right away. The friends I made when I arrived and the peace I received away from my true home. It's indescribable. I leave the main building, passing the large gardens that adorn the school, walking to the dormitory building.

As soon as I get to my bedroom living area, I watch one of my best friends, Amanda, playing some chords on the guitar, and my other best friend Jazmine lying long on the couch staring at the ceiling. When they realize my arrival they both look at me with two tearful smiles.

"Where have you been?" asks Jaz.

"Library. Professor Smith asked us to do a three-thousand-word summary of any author, do you believe that?!" I sit at the living room table and complain to them about my first week bad luck.

"We can always pierce the tires of that son of a bitch. That way he doesn't come back soon, giving us time to finish your essay until comes back..." Jaz suggested shrugging her shoulders innocently but rebelliously.

"OR, we can lock him on the basement and next week we'll pick him up..." this time Amanda suggests.

"or-" I get up abruptly.

"Enough is enough! We're not going to pierce anyone's tires or lock anyone on the basement. I'll be able to finish the essay, don't worry about me." I smiled as I slowly walked to my room.

"But you already know Bee, if you need..." I hear Jaz's voice fading behind my door. 

When I enter my room, I immediately lie down on the bed.

I watch the sky outside. It's cloudy.

It's my cue. I grab the blanket, in uniform and all.

It doesn't take much to fall asleep.

Dear ObsessionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora