Chapter 2

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After my little that turned into a big nap, I went to take a shower. I washed my hair, moisturized my skin and put on comfortable clothes.

Even though it is still September, the cold is already starting to give signs, which makes everything amazing.

Amanda, Jazmine and I walked out of the bedroom towards the large dining room. We were talking about something I wasn't paying the slightest attention to. My belly was screaming and all I could think about was dinner.

As soon as we arrived, many students were already sitting down eating, others stood in line chatting, and others were taking their meal. We calmly stood in line waiting for our turn.

"That's right! Can't wait to see them here! Kyara told me she saw them on the rugby pitch and they were beautiful!"

"Oh my god, you're going to be amazed, they're tall and so hot! I saw the in the hallway this morning, but my favorite is Jacob, without a doubt."

"I think Jason is my favorite one. I love boys who play basketball."

"Girls. We all have to admit that all four are perfect. I don't have any preference.", behind me, a group of freshmen girls were talking energetically about the four most popular boys in the

When they say that schools have a hierarchy, they're right. They are the children of the founders of this school, each of them with at least six feet something, are very well known everywhere, especially for the differences of each one. Hunter Torres, buzz cut, blue eyes, captain of the soccer team, Jason Morris, dark skinned, curly hair, light brown eyes, captain of the basketball team, Collin Guevara, dirty blonde hair like mine, green eyes, an amazing smile, captain of the hockey team and last but not least Jacob Guevara the leader of the group with wild black hair over his forehead, natural tanned skin, green eyes, and nose piercing, Collin's cousin and captain of the rugby team. They run this school. Untouchable, a group closed only to them. Respected by all, impeccable students. They are what boys want to be and who girls want to be with. Seniors of this school, handsome, rich and famous, and when they pass, nobody  unnoticed  them anywhere. They do what they want and whenever they want. They are feared by everyone and no one, and when I say no one is really no one speaks to, touches or approaches them.

Both Jaz and Amanda and I exchanged discreet glances at what we were listening to.

"These girls are more delusional than me thinking about marry Channing Tatum" Jaz rolls her eyes and Amanda laughs.

The line seems to move so slowly that my bad mood starts to show, my belly is furious, the girls don't shut up and people don't walk fast enough. But then when I start watching my friends slowly take out their trays, so I manage to hold on a little longer.

"I DON'T believe it! They're here!" the light brown haired girl shouts softly as she discreetly points to the group of boys who have just arrived. Amanda, who was putting her soup on the tray, looks back slowly, looks at Jazmine, who is paralyzed in her place. The room literally stopped. The girls look at each other, point, squirt with joy and the boys just envy every move made. I slowly turn back when I see four boys passing everyone in the line and getting to the front: to us.

The first one is Jason with his braids a black and red jersey, blue jorts and a pair of timberland next to Hunter, with his intimidating look. He wears a simple grey hodie, blue baggy jeans, who listens attentively to what his friend patiently has to say.

They both pass in front of me without looking at my face and remove the trays from the counter. I'm so upset that I feel like kicking each both their nuts. I take a deep breath and grab a tray until it's pulled out of my hand by Collin, with his light blond hair and his green eyes fixed on me.

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