Chapter 10

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'You can go in now, she's snappy.' Alpha Jason linked.

'The doctor did say she would be hazy.' I linked back. 'how much did you tell her?' 

'I was bland, she was in forest with Kylo they were attacked by a rogue and brought back, now you deal with her, I can't see her in that state,' 

I walked up the few steps into Jasons house, eager to see Ollie. Jason hasn't been so nice the last two days, since she was brought back. What ever the doctor told him has kept him on edge. He hasn't left the house except for today which obviously she's now awake, thankfully.

"Ollie?" I said, knocking on the bathroom door. 

The door swung open with a not so dishevelled Olivia, It's so good to see her awake. She smells like the Alpha, did he smother her or something? Now that would be interesting.

"Caleb?" she looked at me puzzled. "What are you doing here?" 

"Jason said I could come." I answered, pulling her in for a hug.

I can't let her know that I've more so been stalking her dad the last few days and pestering the boy who secretly adores her, and how she's been here, in his bed. When no one but myself and a maid has been allowed into his room.

"Uh Caleb," she said muffled.

"Mm," I responded.
"Y-you're hurting me." she exclaimed.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry," I hurried out letting go of her. "lets go for a walk, I'm sure you have lots of questions." 

We both left the door way of the bathroom and headed outside, following the path away from the pack house. We made it to the opening out of the Blood Crescent territory. Glancing around at the park, we settled for the bench. 

"So...." I dragged out not sure what to say or where to start.

"Look if it helps I remember laying into, uhm Kylo and I fell asleep, next thing I know I'm waking up in this cluster of comfy lovely smelling blankets and this." She waved her hands around gesturing towards the bandages under her shirt. 

"You like him," I poked. 

"Caleb not the time," she rolled her eyes.

"ah-huh see you do!" He said. She is his mate there's no doubt in my mind that she feel at least something. 

"Caleb, please." She mumbled looking defeated.

"Right, right sorry, where do I start, oh yes!" I pointed up to the sky faking my enthusiasm and told her almost everything.

Starting from the warriors informing Jason of a breach, to him going to where she was, and Kylo bonding. To then, the Rogue who attacked, How she isn't healing properly and even the doctor doesn't understand why.

 Which is why Jason is so on edge and how she has been in and out of night terrors, and consciousness for the last two days, how Jason hasn't left his house since she was moved there and that's all I know, or so she thinks. 

"Not healing properly?" she quoted, waiting for me to elaborate.

"The thing you drink, I was speaking to Gran the uh packs family member, she knows all about it and told me to tell you to stop drinking it," I carefully explained, knowing this is a touchy subject for her, I'm not a hundred percent sure if she knows of the oracle so Gran as she likes to be called it is.

She started shaking her head no, "Ollie, please." I begged. 

"No, Caleb, I can't... it's for my protection, Mum told me so." Knowing full well this isn't my area of expertise I don't press on.  

We continue talking more light-hearted conversations like how school is going, the hot girls, and how a lot of the students are a part of Jasons pack. How she's going with her classes, and just typical friendly banter. Of course, including the bullying about her liking Alpha Jason.

I really hope she does, although they haven't really started on the good foot, yet I still  hold hope. He needs a mate, and with the basic information I know, she could bring back the Jason I knew.

"It's getting late, I really need to get home now, Caleb," She sighed.

I look over to her with a slight grin, knowing full well she wants to be anywhere but there.

"I'll walk you back, make sure you're at school tomorrow, it's Monday." I helped her up as she let out a begruntled whine. 

"So I didn't miss any days of school?" She fussed.

"Nope!" I laughed. "I really don't know why you don't like school, you get to socialise with your friends, cafeteria food is the best, there's the library which I know you love." 

"You're in a pack. I am no-"

"You choose not to be in a pack, Olivia, we've been over this." I pull her in by the shoulder as we head to her front door.

Bidding our goodbyes, she hurries in shutting the door behind her. 

'She's home Alpha, should I wait until the warriors are over to keep watch?' I linked.

'They're there. You're no longer required for duty.' he linked back.

After the rogue attacked, Alpha didn't trust his mate, Olivia, to be alone. Which is understandable, but she's been safe enough in that house for quite a while. Personally, I think he's being overprotective.


End of another chapter yay, this one is kind of rushed hopefully it clears up any confusion for the last chapter. 
Finally a P.O.V from Caleb there won't be a lot of them but we will see how it goes, I'm curious how her day at school turns out.
If you have  any questions just ask! 

Anyway see you next time, (two days)

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