Chapter 13

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"Hey Blue," I greet, waving in her direction. The café isn't busy which is good, especially for a first day.

There's a few randoms sipping on their coffees and a mum with her kid who is the devil chowing into the muffin. Messy.

"Hey! Skye right?" She asked, pretending to forget who I am.

"The one and only," I laugh, "I know I'm extremely early."

"By six years," she cuts in.

"Yeah, Yeah. Can I start now? you don't have to pay me for over time, I just can't be arsed with school." I fuss. Tossing my bag under the counter, don't forget it's there I remind myself.

"Boy drama?" She looks way too amused.

"Ha. yeah as if!" I joked, although she couldn't be more than right. Although I wouldn't call it drama just annoying, I keep clashing paths with the same guy. Fate is so on my side at the moment.

"Mhm, right let's start easy. Today isn't very busy so you can just clean what you can see, and take down any orders when needed. Break is every two hours just head to the staff room, you can have as many coffees as you need, just make sure customers first!" she elaborated before disappearing into the kitchen.

Right now time for business, no failing on your first day. 

The rest of the shift went rather quickly, I even got to learn how to make a Latte with the massive coffee machine they have. I did break a mug or two, well 6 to be exact.

She said she does it all the time which is extremely hard to believe. I'll have to replace them when I get the money together.

With only an hour to go and no customers, Blue and I sit down at one of the booths enjoying her famous caramel flavoured coffee and some banana bread together.

"So what have you been up to?" I ask, have to make a conversation somehow.

"The usual taking care of this place and helping Gran at home," she answers, gesturing to the café.

"Everyone keeps mentioning Gran, will I get to meet her one day? She sounds lovely." 

"She doesn't come in too often in the arvos, but I'd be happy to take you to our place soon." Smiling down at her coffee she goes quiet.

Maybe I'm overthinking this interaction being awkward all of a sudden. Deciding to ignore it I take a sip of the caramel coffee, shortly after I let out a moan.

 The sweet but warm flavour hitting my taste buds. No wonder it's famous, tastes so much better than it smells. Taking in another mouthful savouring the taste

"You shouldn't be making these noises at a place like thi-" I shot my head towards the voice, spraying what ever coffee I had in my mouth all over him.

"Really Ollie Boo," Caleb whines, shaking the remainder of the coffee off his arms and hands.

Jason is folded over next to him, holding his gut laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry Caleb, I-I really didn't mean too," I profuse grabbing any napkins I can find, reaching over dabbing away what ver coffee I can see.

"Ollie Boo?" Jason and Blue ask in unison.

I look up panic towards Caleb, hoping he'd have an answer to the nickname. Thankfully he comes up with an answer other than Olivia.

"Yup because when we were younger, Skye here would always say 'Oi Boo' every time she tried to scare me, the main killer being her saying oi, it was oh so terrifying," he Joked squeezing into the booth next to me.

Jason sat across from us next to Blue, wiping his tears smiling smugly towards me. I turn my attention back to the coffee in my hands, hiding my red cheeks. 

Why the hell am I blushing?

"Now that was hilarious," Blue jumped in, then gestured to me. "And that is hecking adorable."

"He is right though you shouldn't be making noises like that in a place like this, you know m- ow!" Jason says grabbing his arm, go Blue for hitting him in there.

"Do not go there Alpha." she interjects, So she's a part of his pack, Great more secrets to keep.

"Boys will be boys," Caleb laughs.

I don't say anything in response, instead I look over at the time and wouldn't believe it luck is on my side, my shift is over which means I can leave these three to their banter.

I nudged Caleb, gesturing for him to stand up, thankfully he understood and moved out of my way.

"Best be off, I have places to go and things to do," I say, clasping my hands together and rock forward on my toes.

"So my place, and me." Jason says.

"Oh my god can you just get laid already," Blue states clearly annoyed with his ill intent, Jason just stares at me intently.

I turn to Caleb for a helping hand, too shocked to speak. He just raises his hands in defence leaving me to be chowed down by this stupid wolf of a person.

"You're feral, I'm going to my place and doing school work." I scold, looking back to Jason.

"Once again being defiant, You're not going to win feisty." He stands up once again looking down at me, I can't help but shiver at his gaze.

"My name. Is. Skye." I snap, turning on my heal and storming off.

Quickly leaving the situation behind the door of the café I take a left and sprint in the direction of my house, getting away as fast as I can.

Why am I getting affected so easily, I was taught better than this! He just won't stop getting under my skin, let alone leave me be. Fucking stalker, a handsome one at that, uggghhh stop.

I run straight up on the porch, pushing the door open and slamming it behind me. Once again the dearest father isn't home, this time it's a little unusual. He's never out more than a day or two.

I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and head up the stairs. Unbeknownst to me, I forgot that my school work at the café.

Heaving out a sigh I chomp down on the apple, placing the remainder on the desk and head for the shower. I need to clear my head before I get too worked up.

Once I finish showering, I head to the edge of the bed sitting down contemplating on what to do.

My room is clean enough, I've finished my shift for today, and have no social life. Usually I'm more creative than this.

Interrupting my thoughts I hear knocking at the front door, that's definitely not dad he never knocks, bracing myself I make my way to the front.

Holding my breath I open the door ajar and peek through the gap.

"Jason?" I say swinging the door open..

He just smiles holding my bag up, ignoring him. I snatch the bag and slam the door.

"No thank you?" He says, his deep voice muffling through the door. 

I drop the bag to my feet and bang my head against the door leaning on it, not letting go of the handle.

"Just leave me alone," I plead.

I really need him to just go away, isolation is better for my safety. He is not helping.

A sigh comes from Jason as a soft thump follows suite. Letting go of the door I head to the window to my right peering through the gap in the blinds.

Of course he's made himself comfortable on the bench.

Quickly I made my way to the front door, once again swinging it open and walking in front of him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask, irritated. 

"You didn't say thank you." He smiles picking at his nails, looking rather too pleased with himself.

"Thank you, now good bye," I cross my arms patting my foot impatiently waiting for him to leave.

"Nu- uh," he tutted, "We have an assignment."

"Not due for two weeks, now leave," I argue.

"Feisty, The least you could do is be nice." He bickers.

I could argue for us to work on it tomorrow or let him in. Why am I even contemplating ideas?

Deciding on the latter being the better option I suggest for us to work on it tomorrow, to my surprise he stands up and nods in agreement without giving a second glance and walks away.

Puzzled at his response I shake my head, Why did he leave so easily after that?

Deciding to not ask or grain his attention I return back inside, grab my bag and head to my room.

 Shortly after dumping my bag on the desk, I walk over to my bed and collapse into the covers. Today has been eventful yet exhausting.

An assignment with the one person I'm trying terribly to avoid, Blue knowing Jason and my best friend Caleb. What if they're collaborating against me? 

They surely can't be, I trust Caleb he wouldn't do that to me. He has protected me and kept me out of danger, not once leaving my side after the attack on my pack..... Blue Moon pack, I miss home dearly.


A bland ending to another chapter hopefully this one was somewhat interesting, not so pleased with how it turned out. 

Hopefully next Chapter I'm able to spark out new ideas!

See you next time lovelies!!!!

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