Chapter 23

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The surface feels cold, and a faint beeping sound can be heard. I slowly stir awake, feeling the white blaring lights hot near my face. 

I try to move but feel so weak, my bones hurt, and everything feels so heavy...I'm so thirsty....


"She's been out for three days now.....Who took so much..... "  Muffled voices could be heard pacing from one side of the room to the other. 

It's hard to make out anything else over the annoying buzzing. I just want to go home...


"We need two to make this work, get started." Someone commanded.

I lay still unable to move. The cold metal surface is almost unbearable now, everywhere aches.

Why can't I stay awake? Where am I?

"Where's the bloody torniquet?" Some woman asked, yanking my arm wrist side up. 

At the sudden action, I fight to open my eyes, the blaring light making it near impossible to keep them open, I keep fighting to open them, but it feels like someone keeps forcing them closed.

'Hurry up, she's waking." A baritone voice spoke.

My hand feels tingly almost numb. A sudden prick was felt at the inside bend of my elbow, I hate needles.

My ears start ringing, and my focus starts to fade, an overwhelming sense of dread courses through my body.

Am I going to die?....


I wake up to silence, the surface no longer hard and unbearable. I cautiously open my eyes with fear of being blinded by the light again, only this time, though it was a faint glow.

"It's good to see you're awake." She said from my left.

I lazily turn my head and make eye contact with a tall brunette woman. She's wearing a tight black skirt and heels, a white button-up shirt with her arms folded across her chest.

"W-hh," I try to speak, my voice course. like a thousand blunt razors have scratched my vocals. 

"I wouldn't bother," She states, taking a seat on the wooden chair.

Taking my chance, I look around the room, It's a beige white, square padded material covering the floor walls and roof, the only light coming from the sky light at the centre of the room.

I try to sit up, but my arms are restricted. Quickly looking down, I come to the realise I'm in a straight jacket.

I'm not crazy. This must be a misunderstanding. I shouldn't be in this hospital or ward or place, where ever the fuck I am, I need to get home.

Cautiously I roll on to my stomach bringing my knees up to my chest, using all my strength could muster I push myself up, letting out a cry of pain.

Everywhere aches , my back, neck, torso... what have they done?

"You're in the Shadow Packs territory," She says, leaning forward onto her knees.

I just stare at her in disbelief, Shadow Pack? What is that suppose to mean to me!?

"You most likely want to ask a lot of questions runt, I won't answer any," She sighs content with what ever power she feels, "We are taking your blood, we know you're a hybrid and my Alpha wants it." 

I look at her in disbelief, Hybrid no fuck that I want out, this is so wrong.

"I have a group of pack members transporting your blood in a van. It will of course lure your in little Alpha boy away from here, when he realises you're not in the van we will kill him. He's very keen to find you again." She elaborates, smiling menacingly. 

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