chapter 31

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We finally got to the car .

I was exhausted ,After roaming around the mall.

Mattheo started the engine and started driving.

It was a boring ride , i forced my self to stay awake but i failed.

        Mattheo's p.o.v

I was about to ask her something but when i looked at her i realized she was asleep.

I chuckled.

Have i told you before that Y/n looks so cute when shes asleep?

After 30 minutes we finally arrived at her house.

She was still asleep , i didn't wanna wake her up so i just carried her .

She wasn't heavy at all.

I knocked at their door ,  the door opened , i expected her mom to open it but i guess i was wrong.

It was her father.

"Mattheo?" Her dad asked in shocked, he probably notice me because of the pictures .

"Nice to meet you sir" i smiled and i was still carrying Y/n .

"Mattheo?" Her mom said from afar and walked towards us in the door.

"Hi aunt , i just wanted to drop Y/n here , don't worry she's just sleeping" i said smiling at her .

She smiled and let me enter the house.

I gently putted Y/n in the couch.

"Thank you for bringing my daughter here safely  Kid" her dad said smiling at me.

I just nodded and was about to leave the door but i heard her mom say something.

"Mattheo, are you joining at the school trip tommorow?" She asked.

"Yes aunt" i replied.

"Pls takecare of Y/n while were not there , ok?" She said in a worried tone.

"Yes maam" i replied and smiled at her.

She chuckled and so does her dad.

I left and closed the door.

        Y/n's p.o.v.

I woke up in the couch and looked at the clock.

It was 9 pm.

I was so confused when i woke up because i thought i was with mattheo in his car driving me home.

But i remembered i fell asleep .

I got up from the couch and wanted to talk to mom about what happend.

Im sure she knows..

My mom saw me walking towards her.

"Well how was youre sleep honey?" She asked.

"Mom what happend?" I asked her  , ignoring her question.

She took a deep breath and finally said something.

"Mattheo dropped you here, he carried you and putted you there on the couch while you were asleep" she said

My jaw dropped after hearing what she said.

"OMG" I screamed at covered my face in embarrassment.

My mom laughed.

"You like mattheo? I knew it" my said smirking at me.

I looked at her disgust.

"Ew mom no!" I replied.

"She does , she asked me if i could drive her to the mall to buy mattheo a gift" My brother somehow disappear and joined our conversation.

My mom faked gasp.

" timothèe!!" I screamed at my brother.

My mom laughed.

"I mean you guys look good together" my dad joined our conversation.

All of them laughed while i was furious.

"Dad?!? You too?!?"i shouted and left the kitchen amd walked towards my room.

I entered my room and slammed the door.

Like they're gonna creep mattheo out and mattheo will not talk to me after that.

Im so mad at them , thank god they didnt say nothing while mattheo dropped me here in the house.

I was just laying in my bed looking at the ceiling when i heared a text in my phone.

I looked at my phone and tapped the text.


Mattheo☆: wake up sleepyhead 😂

Y/n♡: im awake dumbass🖕

Mattheo☆: Gosh why so rude🙄 , you should thanked me after i dropped you safely in ur house

Y/n♡: fine , Thankyou RIDDLE🥰

Mattheo☆: Finally

Y/n♡ : 🙄

Mattheo☆: are you ready for tommorow?

Y/n♡: Ofc , i already packed my things

Mattheo☆: hope you wake up late and missed it 🥰

Y/n♡: you know what mattheo? Fuck you🖕

Mattheo☆: 😂

Mattheo☆: Goodnight kiddo, hope you have nightmares.

Y/n♡: Good night and  fuck you🥰🖕

         The text ended.

My mom called me and said it was dinner time.

Finally im starving.

I Own You    Mattheo Riddle × Y/n Where stories live. Discover now