chapter 54

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"Hmm?" Ms.Riddle replied glaring at Mattheo.

"What kind of trouble?" She added, "uhm uh f-fighting.." i replied stuttering

"I see" She replied raising an eyebrow at Mattheo.

Tom was smirking the whole time at mattheo, enjoying the scene.

Ok, maybe i should just be quiet..

Mattheo was done eating so he left and went back upstairs in his room

I know he's mad at me because i told his mom about his behavior in school

Although his behavior saved me, specially when he scared the guys up when those two boys were making me umcomfortable

Mom and Ms.Riddle are in the dining table with me while dad and Mr.Riddle are outside talking about a business thing that idgaf

I climbed upstairs to see whats mattheo doing  because i wanted to say sorry about what happend hours ago when suddenly i heard moanings, a woman moaning .. inside Toms room..

I tried ignoring it but my mind just isnt you know, curios?

I opened the door and to my surprise i saw luna .... LUNA?!?!


"What the fuc-" i said but stopped when i saw tom ,  i finally caught his attention

They finally realized that i was there and they were shocked, well .. mad either

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?" Tom screaming and throwed a pillow at me

Luna was half naked and trying to cover herself up with a pillow

"Omg im sorry , sorry , sorry" i said covering my virgin eyes

"GET THE FUCK OUT" he shouted , i left , i shut the door closed , bro having sex while my parents here is such a red flag, thats so embarrasing

I closed the door and when i turned Mattheo was infront of me , his tall figure towering me.. , i could feel his cold breath , his brown eyes looking at mine ..fuck, Y/n get urself together!

"Wh-why are y- you here?" I said shiverring, he makes me nervous

"Hey princess" he whispered in my ear , i could feel him smirking in my neck , he kissed my ear , woah woah woah whats happening.

His both hands in my waist, he was hugging me, probably tired from studying, my poor baby

"Are you tired?" I asked looking at him

He nodded, hugging me tighter, "mattheo..your squeezing me" i said and chuckled.

He didnt respond and without any warning , he putted me in his shoulders   making my head hurt

"MATTHEO PUT ME DOWN" i said slapping his back a million times

He was laughing the whole time

"Mattheoooooooo" i shouted, "i will if you kiss me" he said and entered his room.

I groaned it annoyance , he finally decided to put me down in his bed gently.

"Finally" i said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Why were you outside at toms room" he asked raising his eyebrow, oh no

"Ok believe me or not .. but.. i caught Luna having sex with Tom at his room.."
I said , "i heard screams, good screams inside of his room, i was so curious so i went inside to take a look..." i added.

"What?!?" He replied , " i didnt even know Luma was even here at our house wtf" he added.

" i was shocked too, i never saw luna hours ago when we were eating" i agreed to mattheo

                I hour later~~

I was laying down at mattheos bed when suddenly someone opened the door, me and mattheo were shocked but when we realized it was his dad we were relief

"Son, wanna have a beer?" His dad said handling out 1 beer to mattheo ,  clearly his dad was drunk, but Mattheo accepted it anyway.

Mattheo thanked his dad and finally left, he continued drinking it while we were watching something in netlix ,

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