Sports festival ~ Chapter Nine

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"Timeline is messed up and not canon-" I know 💀 That warning was in the first chapter 🤗

Also I going to start posting more often as I've somehow got a load of pre-made chapters 💀



Honestly, who needs an alarm when you have Hizashi Yamada as your father? I groaned, rolling out of bed and going to my bedroom door to seen him stood proudly with Eri on his shoulders and Dadzawa behind him.

"I tried to stop him..." Dad sighs, taking a sip of his coffee. It was obvious he hadn't slept much last night although neither had I. Maybe 2 hours at the max.

"Morning to you too..." I sigh, going back into my room and closing the door so I could get dressed for school.

I sighed miserably as I pulled on my blazer. What was I going to do? It was the day of the sports festival and all I'm thinking is about Bakugo
f-cking Katsuki.


As soon as we got there I decided I was going to hate this. Hayashi was nowhere to be seen, Monoma was tormenting class A, Mina kept glaring at me and Denki wouldn't leave me alone. Maybe I should have played sick?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bakugo sat with his back on a wall and the ears girl crouched infront of him. I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to know what was wrong but I just couldn't find the right time to walk over.

"Kaminari, go train okay?" I roll my eyes, shrugging him away then rushing over to Katsuki minutes before the festival starts.

He was having a panic attack. Did I ask why? No, I figured enough out from one look at Jirou to realise it didn't matter.

I knelt down by his side, hoping to be able to calm him down. It worked as he then went on to win. He was able to beat everyone, which didn't come as much of a surprise after witnessing the mass pressure he puts himself under to be the best. Perhaps now the sports festival was over it would be easier to help him.

One moment stuck out to me though, I was going up against Midoriya Izuku and nearly won until he somehow snapped out of my control. I couldn't help but catch Bakugos smirk as it faded away. He became angry, gritting his teeth and glaring at Midoriya. Once the battle was over I saw him again, this time he was looking at me rolling his eyes then redirecting my attention to Midoriya. I smiled slightly then shrugged to which he seemed surprised about before looking away again.

I felt proud of him for winning but as he came into view an overwhelming ache of disgust came over me. I glanced up to dad and papa who seemed to be shocked as well, dad rushing down from the studio in an angry rage. That was enough for me to realise I had to intervene.

Bakugo was chained up with a muzzle, which he definitely hadn't agreed to as he pulled to get out of his restraints.

I used my scarf to rap around a pole behind him, dropping onto his podium which received a stare of hatred from Bakugo and many gasps followed by confused silence. All Might stopped what he was saying, turning to us with wide eyes and I worked to release Bakugo.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked once i pulled off the muzzle.

"You're not a monster. Nobody deserves to be treat like this." I smiled softly. His eyebrows softened, furrowing slightly.

"Apologies for my interruption, feel free to continue... All Might." I glared at him, jumping down from the podium and walking away to notice Dadzawa at the side looking proud of me.

"Thank you, Hitoshi." He pats my back as I shrug looking back again to Bakugo who was still looking at me, I didn't know what he was thinking and his expression wasn't giving anything away.


I sat in my dorm, papa mic and Dadzawa had extra work to do tonight so we agreed to stay in the dorms. I glanced out my window seeing Eri with Mirio and Midoriya, unable to stop the smile. She was having fun. Everyone knew Aizawa had adopted her, very few people knew about me or papa mic. We liked it that way. If the public found out 2 heroes were in a gay marriage with two kids, there would most likely be a lot of drama and made-up accusations from the media. Dad was an underground hero to avoid the media- they were vultures the more interesting the story, the worse the accusations and pathetic fantasy's became.

Someone knocked on my dorm, making me snap out of my train of thought. "It's unlocked!" I called out, slouching back onto my bed with a sigh then pushing myself up to see who it was.

"Hey Hito!" Hayashi smiled, skipping in and dropping down on the bed at my side. "It was nice of you to help Bakugo today."

I rolled my eyes, turning on my side to face her, "I thought it was just the decent thing to do."

She closes her eyes slightly with a giggle, "You like me, don't you?"

"HA? No... I-" I paused for a minute, Mai knew all my secrets why did it feel so wrong to tell her?

She chuckles playing with my hair, "Everyone know you have a thing for blondes- you can tell me anything," her smile was genuine.

"I think I do, Mai..." I sigh, turning onto my back again, staring up at the ceiling, "I've already talked with Dad and Papa, they seemed to already realised but a few days ago we didn't even talk!" I sit up, resting my head in my hands.

Hayashi sits up too, wrapping her hands around my neck and hugging my from behind. "It must be love at first sight," she whispers, resting her chin on my shoulder which made me laugh.

"That's stupid, it's not even a thing!" I was a firm believer that 'love at first sight' was just a fairytale phrase made up for little kids dreams where as Mai was a hopeless romantic.

"Oh come on! What about me and Kendo?" She grins, jumping off the bed and twirling around.

"You're not dating, you haven't even told her you like her dumbass," I roll my eyes.

"Okay.. then- how about your dads?" I could almost see the thoughts swirling around her brain.

"They didn't notice they liked each other for at least 5 years- that one doesn't work either!" I scoff.

"Oh come onnnn! Surely there's someone..." she flips back onto my desk chair, spinning around a moment then pointing at me with a playful smile. "Midoriya and the hospital bed!" I laugh slightly, "think about it! He would do anything to be in that bed, he's broken bones and come to near death experiences to be with her and they haven't even said a word to each other!"

I laugh more, "What a romantic story! The new Romeo and Juliet!" I climb off the bed, spinning her around and we both burst into laughter.

"No for real though, there has to be some couple that was love at first sight!"

"Just give up on that fantasy, Mai." I sigh, showing her to the door, "Next time you show up talking about love I expect you'll have confessed to Kendo." I smirk, opening the door.

"Fine, fine, you've got a point!" She chuckles, blowing a kiss to which I roll my eyes then she leaves.

As I sat down at my desk, scrolling on my phone I couldn't help but consider the odd chance she was right. What if love at first sight was real? Then I laughed at myself- ridiculous! Honestly.


*cough cough* foreshadowing? 👀🤨

Word count: 1325

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