Maybe a little ~ Chapter Ten

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I know 2 chapters back I said the last one was going to be "when it got interesting" but I meant that's when it starts getting interesting 😗

((I was meant to post this yesterday but my wifi went out so couldn't publish))

⚠️other ships!! (You may not like)⚠️

I laid on my bed for a solid hour just scrolling on my phone when I heard a crowd outside. Odd-

With a sigh, I jumped up and went to the door, opening it slightly so I could see into the corridor. 'Hayashi?' I whispered under my breath, I thought she went back to the girls dorms.

I glanced past her, seeing the whole cheer team. "You've got to be kidding me," Mai turns her head grinning at me.

"Don't worry about it, Hito!!" She replies.

I roll my eyes, deciding I didn't want to worry about it anyway and closed my dorm door again.
I sat down on my bed again, staring out the window. Eri, Mirio and Midoriya had all gone now so it was quiet outside apart from a few people passing.

After living with pro heroes for years, I've learnt to recognise footsteps incase of a break in so when Monoma Neito came into the corridor, I knew who it was before the cheerleaders and couldn't help but smile when I heard him tormenting them.

It seemed odd to have so many people outside my door, class C didn't converse much with other classes. Why? I couldn't know- they just kept to themselves. In that case, I could fit in but when Hayashi was sat next to me in every lesson, that became practically impossible. When it comes to our class, she was my only friend and I was hers apart from a few acquaintances.

When the noise quietened down and the cheer crowd moved on I suddenly had nothing to focus on anymore and Bakugo came back into my mind. Is this what a crush feels like? It's torture!

Bakugo POV
The next day

"Shitty hair-" I open my dorm door, dressed in my uniform and ready to go to class.

"Are you with the Shinso?" He asks, constantly looking around as if he was in a rush, "Like- are you together together?"

"HA!?" I glare at him offended, Kirishima was the one I thought wouldn't care about this whole thing.

"Are you!?" He asks again, raising his voice only slightly.

"No- I'm not dating the freak show." I roll my eyes, stepping forward so he steps backwards as I slam the door shut behind me, locking it.

"Okay... do you like him?"

I stay silent a moment, glaring at him, "What's with these questions?"

"It's just..." he glances again at Kaminaris door then suddenly I understood the whole thing.

"Oh, got it- you like dunce face but as long as Barney the dinosaur is available you don't stand a chance?" It was more of a harsh statement instead of a question but he nods anyway. "Eyebags has a girlfriend." I scoff.

"He told you that?" His eyes light up in hope.

"No..." he hadn't told me that at all, it was just an assumption. Midnight and Aizawa Senseis words played in my head, 'Shinso doesn't have a girlfriend, problem child' - 'that's something Shinso should tell you not us.' For so long I thought he just didn't tell his father everything but now I can't help but consider Midnights words as well. Why couldn't they tell me? Was he like me?

"Bro... you good?"

I look back to Shitty hair, "WELL DUH!" I nudge him towards Kaminaris door, "Even if I'm wrong we all know Dunce Face would believe it."

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