1-A (pt2) ~ Chapter Twenty-Two

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Wrote this on plane home 💔

Lunch time- the same day


I turn around to see Katsuki, standing awkwardly.

Hearing a giggle from Hayashi as Monomas fist hit the table, I took in a deep breath. "What's up?"

"Uh-" he glances backwards to Jirou then, after looking around at my friends, locked eye contact with me, "I just wanted to say thank you... for what you did."

"Why wouldn't I? He was talking shit." I rolled my eyes, becoming angry at the thought of Iida.

"Are you forgetting he rejected you?" Neito spoke up as I watched Bakugo cringe and shrink.

"Ignore him." I tell Katsuki who just nods, "You up for training tonight?" I ask with a smile.

He nods again, smiling at me, "Yeah.. with Aizawa or?"

"Nah, it'll just be us today he has.. business to attend to!" I smirk, Bakugo realising I didn't actually mean training.

"Sure thing." He grins before walking away and back to his friends.

"What was that?" TetsuTetsu asks, catching my attention.

"Training. What else?" I shrugged, spinning back around on my chair to face the table. Mai had a knowing smirk on her face to which I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Okay... Bakugo Katsuki just smiled at you! And it was genuine! there's something you're not telling us." Kendo's glare is full of suspicion. Monoma, however, stayed silent at her side.

I quickly shut down the conversation, looking forward to the end of lunch, "Anyway.. how's the sub?" I ask to which Hayashi groans.

"Awful." Was her only response, making Kendo chuckle slightly.

Monomas stare was digging knives into me but I had to ignore him.

I wish I could tell them but I wasn't about to out Bakugo until he was ready.

Glancing backwards, I see Katsuki eating his lunch and smiling over at me. Jirou turned to look at me as well, smirking with a wave. I just nodded, turning back around as not to attract too much suspicion.

English- the same day.

I sat down in the same place I had with Dadzawa, Katsuki next to me.

"Alright little listeners!" Papa Mic enters the room, pausing in his stride as he sees me. He points at me, "Ha?"

"Aizawas decision..." I think before speaking, not wanting people to realise the truth, "He thinks I would benefit from being here rather than with a substitute who.. doesn't.. know.. what happened." I couldn't help but feel awkward.

Papa Mic simply nodded before re-opening the conversation and speaking to the whole class again.


I look to my side, seeing Katsuki. I smile, "Hey."

"You okay?" He asks quietly, making sure nobody else could listen in.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I reassure him, watching his body relax with relief, "My dad doesn't want to accept that though." I joke, to which he laughs lowly.

Bakugo POV

"Does anyone know what a hyperbole is?" Mic asks, looking around the room. His curious face turns into one of confusion, "Nobody!?" No reply. "Okay!" He glances around, taking a pause then nodding towards pinkie pie, "right then! Mina?"

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