Kidnapped ~ Chapter Eighteen

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I've been so busy recently I'm surprised I'm able to get these chapters out since I ran out of pre-made ones 😭

Shinso POV still

I paid for everything. Bakugo had ended up creating a bill of ¥12,810.94 (£69.96 / $86.64) in Best Jeanist merch.

"Thank you, Hitoshi..." Bakugo whispers as we walked out the store.

"Hm?" I glanced over to him after checking the time on my phone.

"I said thank you..." He smiled, speaking at a normal volume now, "You really didn't have to do all that but you've made the past couple of hours the most fun I've had in a while... so thank you..." He shrugs near the end, noticing the softness of his voice and sappy, emotional expression.

I grinned widely, "It's not over yet!"

"It's not?" He asks, "I thought you would be needing to go home?"

I took his hand in mine, "Not for another hour." I state happily, "If you want to go back to UA, we can?"

Bakugo simply smiled, leaning his head on my shoulder as we walked. "What do you have in mind?"

"We could get something to eat?" I suggest. I didn't really have anything planned but food sounded like the only thing we hadn't done yet.

Suddenly, we heard familiar voices somewhere behind us. Bakugos eyes widened and he dragged me into the nearest shop.

"Woah, what's up?" I ask, looking at him in worry.

"Raccoon eyes here with her little gang of minions..." Bakugo spoke quietly, glancing out through the door.


Bakugo rolled his eyes, "She feeds them gossip and they worship her forever."

I couldn't help but laugh when I looked over to them. (What Bakugo meant was Minas friends who didn't worship him.)

They were a rather small group consisting of Mina herself, 2 other girls, Aoyama and a guy who sat behind me during classes. He didn't seem awfully interested in being there, walking along with them but his focus was on his phone.

I didn't know what the big deal was. Of course, Katsuki didn't want others to know about us yet but friends go to the mall together, right?

Although, to Bakugo it was a big deal so I put a comforting hand on his shoulder, catching his attention. "Do you want to get out of here?"

He nodded softly, "Yeah... if you don't mind."

I smiled at him, walking out the shop and then out the mall while making sure they didn't see us.

"I just ruined it... didn't I?" Bakugo was staring at the ground.

"No, don't worry about it! You don't want them to know, I get that." I reassure him as we continue walking. Not in any specific direction but it didn't matter.

⚠️TW: Kidnapping, fights, knife, fire, blood, (mention of) Alcohol⚠️

Please skip the rest of this chapter if you do not want this!

Suddenly, I felt a silky material covering my eyes, causing my vision to go completely black. I decided not to fight, it would be stupid to attack something I couldn't even see- they'd win anyway. However, Katsuki didn't let that stop him. I heard an explosion go off next to me and that was the last thing I remember before feeling a sharp pain in the back of my head.


I am woken (is that bad grammar? Bro idk-) with a spluttering cough.

Eventually my eyes adjusted to the lighting of the room, dark and dull with a strong smell of death, blood and alcohol.

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