Pinned ~ Chapter Twelve

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Shinso POV

We walked out onto the training field just as the bell rang for end of day. I couldn't stop looking at Bakugo. Every few moments I'd glance over at him just to see his glare stuck on the floor. He walked with his hands in his pockets and a bit of a stomp. He acted like a child who didn't get their way- it was kind of cute although I would never tell him that. If I did, he'd probably bite my head off... literally and metaphorically.

"How do you get out of lessons so early?" He asked, finally looking up at me while dropping his bag to the side of the field.

"I don't know- I just tell Sensei Gaia that I have to talk to Aizawa," I shrug. I didn't know why she always let me leave so early - I just knew the same excuse that I used every time.

"And she really thinks you need to leave early to speak with your dad?" He scoffs. Rolling his eyes as if to say, "that's dumb."

"She doesn't know he adopted me-" I laugh slightly.

"WHAT!? Why-?" He asks with shock and confusion. He looked sweet and honestly interested. It made my heart flutter and I had to tell myself off for feeling such ways about a guy who probably didn't even like me back.

I smile softly, sitting down on a bench by the side and placing my bag next to me on the ground then looking up at him smugly, "She never asked." I state with a grin. He fixes his gaze on me with an 'are you being fr?' expression which makes me laugh. "Come on, we came to train not talk about Ms Gaia!"

Let's skip the actual training 😗

We both laughed, catching our breath. His laugh.. I wanted to hear it everyday, I wanted to be the reason he was so genuinely happy instead of the angry cackle I often heard.

"I can't believe you..." Bakugo let's out an angry sigh, throwing his head back into the ground.

"You'll get over it, Cheerleader." I grin, proud of myself.

He lifts his head to look at me, we both gazed into each others eyes although I couldn't figure out the emotion behind the volcanic red or even if there were any to discover.

"You can get off me now," he states, calm again.

I continue to gaze into his eyes, suddenly finding myself unable to move. After an hour or so of training I wasn't able to use my quirk on him, he was smarter than to let me take control. I finally caught him in my capture scarf, throwing him down to the floor. I was still on top of him, pinning him down so he'd stay there until I'd officially won.

"Um.." he pauses, breaking eye contact, "you can get of me now!?" He repeats and I feel the intense blush on my cheeks, jumping up and unravelling my scarf from around his body. I forced myself to look away, not wanting him to see how red I was.

"Are you.. like..." Bakugo paused a minute causing my heart to sink, then he seems to give up, "are you okay?"

"What- yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I answered taking a deep breath then turning to face him.

"You zoned out-" he shrugs.

"Right, yeah- thanks but I'm fine." I nod reassuringly although it was more like I was telling myself that instead of him.

He kept quiet, just looking at me. How I wish I knew what was going on in his mind...

In Bakugos mind

(I know, "great" and totally not cliche               
transition 👀).       

He wasn't okay. There was something eyebags wasn't telling me and I desperately wanted to know what. Something was on his mind, a distraction I thought but then he beat me anyway. He couldn't be distracted if he was able to beat me.

My mind kept flickering back to the image of him on top of me. The way he was looking at me made me flustered even though I would never admit it.

I didn't know how to feel, did this guy feel the same way about me as I did about him? I felt a smile take over my face and for some reason I couldn't stop it from growing. Then my mind flicked back to that Hayashi girl, my smile dropped and confidence disappeared.

Back to Shinso POV ✌️

"Ah! Young Bakugo!" All Might beams before noticing me, "Oh, and young Shinso." He grins widely with Midoriya following him.

"Hello Kacchan..." He smile innocently.

"Let's go, Eyebags." He states and I stand up, following as he storms off the field.

"If you see my father tell him I will be staying in my dorm for the night," I request from All Might who agrees happily.

As I pass a dull looking Midoriya I silently mouth an apology on Bakugos behalf. "OI ARE YOU COMING!?" Midoriya laughs slightly as I rush to catch up with Bakugo.

"Alright cheerleader, you gonna tell me what that was about?" I ask, glancing back again.

"I don't know what you mean." He replies coldly, walking over to the 1-A dorms. He opens the door then looks back at me, "Come on!" His voice was impatient as I walk towards him, into the common room and hold the door open for him from the other side.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, closing the door once he came through.

"Whatever you want." He answered with a shrug, flopping down onto one of the sofas.

"Okay?.." I sat down next to him and took out my phone to message papa Mic just incase all might didn't come across either of them.

Bakugo kept looking at me then away then back again etc. As soon as I finished typing my message I looked up at him and caught his gaze. He instantly looked away, embarrassed then looked back again with false confidence that made me laugh.

We heard a clashing sound coming from across the room and both glanced over to see who it was.

"You lovebirds ignore me, just getting a drink," Jirou joked, taking a glass and filling it with water.


"Hello to you too, ears." Bakugo scoffed, leaning back on the sofa.

"Ears? Is that the best you could do?" I asked smirking- remembering last time we had this conversation.

"What? Like you could do better?" He challenged, smirking and I smirked back.

"Um.. guys?" Jirou asked- she had now got her drink and was glancing between the two of us unsure if she was meant leave or stay.

"Don't worry, Aux Cord!" I glance to her then back to Bakugo.

"Nah, that's Spotify," Bakugo replies.

"Spotify premium more like, she's better than that," I answer nodding in Jirou direction who looks worried.

"It's giving... Delores."

"From Encanto?" I add to which he simply nods, "Nice," I was so obviously at a disadvantage here. Bakugo knew her better than I did. "Or maybe it's more-"

"GUYS!" Jirou shouts, catching our attention, "what the hell?" I glance back to Bakugo who grins at me then we both laugh. I notice a gentle smile on her face as she leaves the common room.


Sorry this is kinda short but I just finished the next chapter 😏 You're gonna like it! (I think)

Word count: 1238

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