Like Love ~ Chapter Sixteen

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Shinso POV still

I wasn't involved in the planning, apparently my nerves would mess up how the words flowed so I just left them to it. Maybe that was wrong of me? Was I really going to let somebody else write my feelings down for me?

...Yes, yes I was.

Eventually, Monoma shoved a piece of paper at my chest. I took it, reading thoroughly, "This sounds nothing like me!" I scoff, putting the paper back down and discarding it as a joke.

"Exactly!" Monoma grins. I glance around at everyone realising they were all on his side.

"Wow.." I laugh slightly, "You guys have no faith in me!"

"Shinso-" Kendo pauses a moment, thinking of a nicer way to put her words, "You don't do emotion." She says simply.

I would have agreed with her if it wasn't for the slight lie. I did emotions, I had them and I felt them - sometimes they tortured my mind and heart, sometimes they scared me more than villains and hurt me more than my worst days of training. I cursed them, I hated them and I wished them away but everyone has emotions. I just didn't know how to express those emotions. I kept them in a small box, deep down inside me - only to be opened in life or death circumstances.

Of course, this was not one of those situations.

I sigh, realising I couldn't argue, "Okay... let's do this..." I stand up from my seat, looking over to Bakugos table. Bakugo wasn't there but his friends were.

I glance down to Mai who shrugs. Folding up the paper and putting it in my pocket, I walk towards their table and watch as Mina freaks out, grabbing Kaminaris arm and turning him towards me.

I stop infront of him, ignoring the way Jirou and Kirishima glared at me. Sero looked confused at Minas side and I realised Pikachu was the only one who knew why I was actually here.

He stood up, resting his arm on my shoulder, "Wassup, Shinbro? You got a time and place yet?" He grins.

"The time is now..." I take a deep breath as I watch his eyes widen. Kaminari scurry's to grab his bag, "Oh! Don't worry, I'm scrapping that part of the plan..." I admit, just wanting to get this over with.

"Hm.. okay.." he glances back at the table, full of confused and curious looks. "Jirou!" He grins, "Where's Bakubro?"

"Ha? He was going to the gym, why?" She questions. I watch her face scrunch then relax as she realises what's happening, slapping a hand over her mouth.

"The gym... thank you.." I nod once then turn and hurry out of there. I needed to reach him before the bell rang.

I know y'all will just want to get onto it
but I feel like Bakugos POV of the past events is also pretty important to this story!

It's now gonna be 3rd person and we're rewinding a bit <3

"And that's why I never want to have a combined training session again!" Kaminari announces to the very few of his friends who were still listening.

"I liked training with Tetsubro!" Kirishima exclaims, "He's so manly!" A grin takes over his expression to which Jirou rolls her eyes.

"Did anyone else notice Bakubros face when Monoma started talking to him!?" Sero whispers, not loud enough for Bakugo to hear but everyone else did.

"He was trying so hard not to blast him!!" Mina laughs, remembering the sight.

"Talking about Monoma..." Jirou says, changing the subject after realising the change in Bakugos gaze once the class B student sat down next to Shinso Hitoshi.

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