What just happened?

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December 15th

Maha's POV

Am I just overanalysing things, or have I not seen Asir Imran since the birthday event though that wasn't really an event, just a strange coincidence? Why am I even thinking about him? Stop being crazy Maha.


11.30pm. Closing time.

The tedious task of cleaning up after a long day at the store was upon us. I let out a sigh as I finished cashing out and carefully stashed away the money in a secure location, knowing that my dad would need it for his early morning errand. Zafirah's hands were occupied with vigorously scrubbing dishes, Aarish meticulously sweeping and mopping the floor, while I wiped down tables and countertops with a damp cloth. All three of us took turns praying Isha in the quiet corner of the back room. The faint scent of incense lingered in the air, mingling with the smell of freshly cleaned surfaces. Despite the exhaustion in our bones, there was a sense of contentment in our shared efforts to maintain the small business.

Zafirah let out a deep yawn, the tiredness in her voice evident. "I am absolutely exhausted," she admitted.

"I think 'exhausted' is an understatement." Aarish shuffled along, dragging her feet as she pushed the mop back and forth. Suddenly, her face fell. "Oh no. I left the box cutter in my back pocket."

I couldn't help but laugh at her forgetfulness. "Why do you have a box cutter in your pocket?" I asked with a smile, trying to lighten the mood amidst their exhaustion. The two of them continued their tedious task, their tired bodies and minds longing for rest.

"Cause we had deliveries to do, and I completely forgot to put the box cutter back." But I didn't blame them, the shift was late, and it was a Friday night too. The street was busy and bustling. Living in the city centre means that it is always noisy till around past midnight. Our shop is near the busy main road, but our street is very quiet.

"OK, everyone done?" I asked.

The three of us cheered and headed out, locking up the shop behind us. It was pitch black outside, with only a flickering streetlamp to light our way. Aarish's car was waiting for us in the parking lot behind the building.

"Shit, I forgot something." I turned back towards the shop.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Zafirah asked.

"No, it's fine. Just start the car." I hurried back inside and realized I had left my house keys on the counter.

With the shop securely locked and my keys safely in my pocket, I turned to leave. But something caught my eye, a faint movement in the darkness. The wind picked up and sent a chill down my spine. My instincts urged me to flee, not wanting to face whatever lurked in the shadows of the night. My primal fight or flight response kicked in, and I quickly made the decision to head towards the main road instead of going to the car. I could call one the girls to pick me up.

As I walked, I could sense the figure behind me getting closer. Adrenaline surged through my body, pushing me to pick up my pace. Suddenly, my phone rang but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. My heart was racing as I broke into a jog, which soon turned into a full sprint. My mind raced with endless possibilities of what could happen if the figure caught me.

I reached the alleyway and took a quick shortcut onto the main road, where the figure continued to pursue me with increasing speed. Panic set in as I frantically searched for an escape route. My phone rang again, but I ignored it, too focused on getting away from my pursuer.

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