Life goes on

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Maha's POV

What just happened? The match was going great. And then a foul. A FOUL.

"WHAT THE HELL, YOU ******************." Aarish just screamed at the TV, screaming out a string of swear words. I followed right after. Frustration taking over me. I wanted to throw something at the tv, but I couldn't for obvious reasons. This was absurd. How was it a foul? HOW! They showed us a replay of the move, and it was clearly on the waist line.

"You guys are like animals. Calm down. Have you forgotten that we are in a public space and we have customers." Zafirah sighed at the us, not wanting to know what happened, but if we had told her, she would have acted the same.

"Sorry about them, what can I get for you?" She rolled her eyes and proceeded to work whilst Aarish and I were trying to understand and take in the defeat. The last time I was this frustrated at a sport, it was during the Cricket World Cup. That thing irks me at times, but this is knowing that person in real life, and now people are going to think he has cheated. That is what got me, not Asir losing, but the after math. Toxic fans. They're everywhere.

"Look at this absurdity, " Aarish scrolled through her phone on social media where people are discussing the match that has just happened, "Asir Imran, the biggest loser/ cheater in the industry?" Some of the fans who are the biggest supporters found this outrageous and stupid, not just us.

"This is clearly Islamophobic." Aarish groaned in anger and was about to throw her phone.

"Alright, that might be a bit much, don't you think?"

"What are you guys angry about?" Zafirah asked. I finally told her, and amongst the swear words and feeling infuriated, she understood completely and was on our wavelength.

To be honest, at first I didn't understand the match and two days prior I watched many matches just to educate myself on the sport. Cricket is still better. But anyway, I wanted to watch the match to show support cause why not? But it all ended in tatters, to the point where I feel so bad for him. I want to comfort him. Was that too much? Maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself. But the point is, I don't want to see him sad.


Asir's POV

Is this what depression feels like. Or just the aftermath of bad press, caught doing a foul (when that wasn't even a foul), paparazzi, and an eight hour long flight back home. I just want to cry, sleep, and not do anything. I don't even go on my phone. Is it too late to back out and hide from society for the rest of my life. Gosh, this is so humiliating to the point where I'm being over dramatic, but my life has just been one whole drama. Seriously. My family gave me pitied looks, and that just made it even worse.

"It's been five days, and he's not coming out of his room. Could you do something about it? Please, anything." My dad told Hyun-Ki, more like plead but whatever. I didn't want to worry anyone, I just needed space. Not that the internet is calling me a cheater, which they are. How am I supposed to live this down.

"Anyeong!" Hyun-ki entered the room with a big grin oh his face. I didn't even want to look at him. 
"What are you doing here?" I mumbled under my covers. He turned my bedroom light on, and a bright yellow glow appeared, assaulting my eyes.
"Turn the light off." I grumbled and delved deeper into my covers to block out the light.
"No." He then proceeded to grab my covers and try to yank it off of me.
"Noooooooo. Leave me alone. Dafaa oh!" I whined and whined for him to leave me alone, but to no avail, he didn't stop.
"Yes. Now get up. And when was the last time you showered?" That was rude. Like really rude. "This morning. Why? Are you saying that I stink!" The audacity I tell you. The level of disrespect.
"Yeah, cause you've been cooped up in your duvet all day, and it smells like sweat." I looked at him for a good five seconds before putting him in a choke hold.
" GeT OFf mE you sTinKy boY!" I tackled him on to the bed and held him for a good few seconds before releasing him, which led him to have a coughing fit.
"I'd rather hang out with Farhad if you keep acting this way." Hyun-Ki threatened. He was acting like a child. No, actually, I was.

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