The Sleepover pt 1

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*it's a Friday morning and they are at the shoe store* Sheldon sadly and passive aggressively said "mom I don't want the hush puppies, I'm loyal to the plopuppies!" Mary said in a passive tone "there the same shoe but it's just a different brand" Sheldon was just about to argue his case back, when he saw Paige and her mom walk near the store

"I'll have hush puppies mom" said Sheldon in a nice tone as Paige and her mother walk in the shoe store, Mary wondered why Sheldon agreed so easily "well it looks like I got Sheldon to wear these shoes easier then I thought" Mary said in a attempt to make small talk to Linda *paiges mom*

Linda, who was oblivious to Mary's awkward small talk said "well indeed you did" she was just about to ask Paige what shoes she wanted when Paige noticed missy and ran over to talk to her. "Hi missy!" "Hi Paige!" "Look at those hello kitty wristbands!" "I like them Paige!"

Paige and missy ran over to there moms "Mom can me and Paige go to the hello kitty store?" That said enthusiastically "Well I see no problem in that as long as you guys are safe and come back in a hour"

"Thank you mom!" They said as they left running
*skip to later and Paige is coming over*

"What should we do first missy!" Paige says to missy "let's have a tea party" "do you want to come Sheldon?" Missy mutters to Paige "he's deathly scared of bugs and a lot of thing's outside" "I'll come in a bit Paige!"

Sheldon needed some time to think, his crush is here but he doesn't think missy remembers much. He ultimately desires to go outside with them

"Hi sheldon!" Says Paige on the knitted blanket "hi Paige" *missy goes to get a towel after spilling some tea on the blanket* "did you know that tea was invented in 1587, when emperor shuzi left some water in a cup and a tea leaf fell in it" Sheldon's face was turning red fast and Paige noticed, she took a mental note to ask missy if Sheldon liked her

"I didn't know that" said Sheldon *sheldon saw a bug and freaked out and went inside* Paige realized that missy wouldn't believe her if she asked if Sheldon liked her

She decided to she was gonna ask if Sheldon had been acting weird lately around her " missy have you notice that Sheldon has been acting weird lately"

Missy was just coming back from getting a towel when she heard that, she doesn't think he is so she says "that's just how he acts, he's weird"

"Oh ok" Paige said normally, she wondered if missy was hiding some family truth from her or she was just acting like missy

I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I decided to do something different.
Have a good day

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