Two runaways

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*Friday night, 11:10pm, east medford* a quiet humming of a truck as Sheldon starts to pull out of the driveway nervously. "I really hope this goes well" he murmurs as he pulls out onto the street, he knows how to drive better because of georgie.

*down the street* Sheldon has his sweaty hands on the steering wheel as he turns onto the roads towards Paige's house.

He continues to drive towards Paige's house but he's nervous."I hope my family won't find out about this"

He finally pulls in front of Paige's house "Get in Paige before your mom sees you" Paige hops in the truck closing the door quietly. "Let's head east quickly Sheldon so we can gain enough ground to run away for good" she says as she pecks him on the cheek.

Sheldon started sweating perffusly but he played it off hastily, but he adbruptly says "I love you Paige"

*7:09 am, the cooper residence* " mommy, daddy wake up!" The parents look up at her wildly saying "what missy?!" "It's time for breakfast!" "oh yea sorry honey I forgot." That was only partly true, the pair have been staying up all night thinking about Sheldon, they were gonna apologize to him this morning.

"I'll get breakfast started honey, how about your dad goes and apologize while I make breakfast" George walks over to Sheldon's room sleepily "Sheldon, son I'm very sorry for how I've treated you. "You know I'll treat you better for now on,.... Your not gonna answer me? Well that's okay for now I'll leave you be."

*memaws house* "I should probably go to Mary's for breakfast" Connie mumbles as she walks outside across the street to the house. "where is George's truck?" Connie notices as she almost enters Mary's house, they usually don't go anywhere this early.

The door creeks open "hey Mary what's up! I was just wondering if George left for something as his truck is not outside." „No he didn't mom he's right here." She says as he walks into the kitchen. "whats this talk about?" "George your truck isn't outside!" "how could be no one's left this morning"

He steps outside to see for himself and yep, his truck was nowhere to be seen. "What the hell happened to it!" He he stubbornly said while going back inside

The door opened as George came in angerly "I don't know what happened to my truck, do you know missy?" "Nope" that's better be the case,said George.

"Maybe see if Sheldon knows!" Connie chimed in. "Good idea" quickly gasped George as he walked to Sheldon's room.

"Hello Sheldon?" "I know you're mad at me but do you know what happened to my truck?" Silence "your not gonna answer me?, well I need to know so I'm gonna take this door off the hinges"

*they all gathered around the door* the door clicks off. "Where is he?!" Mary worriedly shoute "well he doesn't seem to be in here" Connie sarcastically said.

"My truck was stolen" George said to the police man. "When was the last time you saw Sheldon? "Last night after an argument" "well it seems like he stole the truck as the window was left open."

*somewhere east of Medford* "Sheldon what will we do when we get there?" "I don't know but we'll find out together"

Just wanted to thank y'all on the comments and support we've gotten on the story, have a good day or night.

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