The sleepover pt 2

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Missy says to break the aukward silence
"Sheldon is really scared of bugs" in a tone that doesn't sit just right with Paige

"Let's go inside it's getting sorta dark and we are done with the food" said Paige "ok"

Sheldon was sitting on the sofa still thinking about that bug but more importantly Paige, he thought that Paige has noticed his face getting red. He was just about to think about it some more when he saw the pair come in "Hi Sheldon" says missy and Paige, the latter still has a partly red face

"Hello" reply's Sheldon partly still indulged in his thoughts

*missy has swimming lessons tonight, Georgie is out with a girl, and the twins parents are going on a date night* "goodbye! You too be good now" George and Mary said "we will" replied Paige and Sheldon

Paige stares at Sheldon and she realizes that her face is noticeably red and Sheldon notices, his face is also turning red and it's getting awkward "what are you doing This weekend?" Paige says to try to break the awkward silence by making small talk

*mary and George discuss on there date* "I don't think that Paige girl is a great influence" says Mary "she hasn't done anything yet this time but last time she did irritate Sheldon, anyways have you seen Sheldon's face get slightly red? Maybe he likes her" George suggested "No that can't be because Sheldon had never esspressed that type of emotion" "I don't know Mary it could be" George warrely said

*back with Paige and Sheldon* it becomes more awkward as time passes between them, Paige hopes the parents or missy comes home soon the break the awkwardness.

"Paige I need to tell you some-something" Sheldon has decided to finally work up the courage to tell Paige how he feels about her "Paige I lik-like you!" Sheldon said as he ran off due to embarrassment

Paige couldn't believe what she just heard come out of Sheldon's mouth, she knew his face got red around her but she didn't know he had a crush on her

Paige ran off to Sheldon's room's door to try to talk to him "Sheldon I need to tell you something" "go away" "Sheldon I like you back"

Sheldon was absolutely flabbergasted at this statement by her, he partly noticed her red face lately but he didn't think it went that far

"You can come in now Paige" Sheldon said as he was still trying to calm down from this news he just heard

"Paige if we both like each other then what does this mean we should do?" Sheldon questioned a astounded Paige

"We should start dating Sheldon!" "Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Asked Sheldon

"Yes like boyfriend and girlfriend" "Paige we need to keep this a secret from everyone or they will not let us date"

"That sounds good Sheldon"

*later that night when everyone came back* Sheldon and Paige have mostly gone back to normal interactions by later that night, Paige played with missy some more and and Sheldon read his books and stuff

"Where are you going to sleep Paige?" Asked Sheldon but Paige was already one step ahead of him "I'm going to sleep in missy's bed with her in our fort"

Sheldon knew they probably weren't going to go to bed at there bedtime, normally he would have spoken up but because his new found relationship with Paige he stayed quiet.

Missy thought it was odd that Sheldon didn't speak up about the bedtime but she didn't question it

*the next morning* "Paige your mom is here to pick you up!" "Ok mrs. cooper!" Linda came to pick Paige up and when Paige was out of earshot she said to Mary "thank you for having her over last night, me and my husband have been having problems lately so having s night to sort them out helped tremendously.

Goodbye missy and Sheldon! Paige said as she ran to hug them, giving Sheldon a extra long hug

"bye Paige!" The twins said in unison, see you next time!

686 words, this is the longest chapter yet but thanks for reading this chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it and have a good day!

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