Paige's parent's divorce

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*In the house Paige lives in* Linda said "I HATE YOU MARK" Paige sneaks out of the back door "I honestly think there gonna get a divorce" Paige says to herself as she walks to the bus stop, because her mom is forgetting to take her today.

*meanwhile at the cooper residence* missy remanices about past times with Paige "I miss Paige, ever since her and Sheldon's sleepover she has called only two times and they were for Sheldon" missy thinks and says out loud right before Sheldon comes in the room

"Hey missy" says Sheldon in a deep voice "why are you doing that Sheldon?"

"I'm doing it for an experiment" "of course you are" sighs missy "why are you in such a bad mood missy?" "Shut up Sheldon"

*they go to bed* missy thinks "why would Paige want to date such a dork?" Missy would think some more before going to bed that night

*paige walking in her house* paige knew middle school was to easy for her, but she didn't say anything *walks into house* "MARK GO DIE IN A HOLE- oh hi honey" Paige's mom says in a Werly tone "hi mom" "honey I have something to tell you about, we have been thinking and we think it will be good if you go to Medford high school" paige was absolutely nervous "oke-y mo-m" paige walks to the phone while her mom makes dinner "mom can I call Sheldon" "sure honey- MARK I HATE YOU" "nevermind" paige Mutters as she walks up to her room

*2 days later* "Paige come to the living room!" Her mom partly yells to her in her room "okay mom!" Paige walks down the stairs and sees her mom and dad sitting in the living room "paige, w-e have  designed to get a divorce" her dad interrupts "it will be better for us and you"

"What? Where will we go?" "Your mom and you will stay here and I'm moving away" Paige is on the verge of tears when she runs up to her room and slams the door, she starts high school tomorrow

*at the cooper residence* Missy came home from a long day of 3rd grade and got a snack from the fridge, she sits down and starts wondering "what is paige doing right now?"

Hi yea sorry this kinda rushed but I hope you enjoy this new chapter, have a good night

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