Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"On our wedding night. It will be a small ceremony, quick and you can get the vampire blood after the consummation."

My body is filled with disgust and guilt as I slip on the strappy bra and the lacy underwear. As I stare at my reflection, I see the horror I'm soon going to walk into and there's going to be no escape from that. My hands run over my body and I try not to cry even when tears are at the corner of my eyes.

How can I marry someone who isn't my mate? How can I?

My lungs burn as I take a quick breath and turn away from the mirror. I can't see myself anymore.

My quivering hands reach for the shirt and I slip it on before grabbing the pants and wearing them. Once I'm covered, I feel better about myself, but I still can't escape from the thoughts running through my mind.

What am I doing? Marrying Alpha Gabriel? He was twice my age, older than everyone I knew and I always saw him as an elder man who took care of the pack. How could I marry him?

"Aurora," Mama says from the room next to mine. I quickly throw my curled hair up into a ponytail and step outside to attend to her. "What have you been doing in the shower for the past twenty minutes?" She asks and curiosity fills her eyes as she finds me dressed.

"Nothing, Mama. Just taking a longer shower."

"Come here," she pats the empty space on the bed beside her and I sit down. "Are you going into heat?"

"I don't know." I shrug and try to shift my thoughts away from marrying Alpha Gabriel—tonight.

"The full moon's approaching. You must be going into heat," She wraps her hand around mine and chokes out. Even when she can barely talk, she still does and she helps me in everything she possibly can. "It's alright, there's nothing to be scared of, baby. Heat comes and goes, and sometimes, female wolves make mistakes during heat, which is alright. Don't be scared of something so natural. Once you find your mate, and you're marked, everything will be perfect and you won't go into heat anymore."

"What if I can't find my mate?" I ask her while chewing my inner cheek.

"You will," She says with a reassuring smile. "Your mate is out there somewhere, waiting for you. And when you find each other, everything will fall into place. He'll love like you've never been loved and he'll take care of you. Don't worry, my sweet girl."

I nod, but deep down, I know it's never happening, not when I'm going to be taken by another man.

Dread fills my heart and I began to panic.

"Mama," My both arms wrap around her. "I love you and you're going to get better soon."

"Don't worry about me. I've lived my entire life in peace and happiness. It's about you I'm concerned and I know once you find your mate, I'll be in peace." She replies while placing her hand on the side of my face.

I lower my head and she presses a kiss on my cheek.

My tears remain in the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill out as I realize what I'm about to do tonight. Marry the alpha. I haven't told my mother, not yet, not until the ceremony's over and once she's healed by the vampire blood.

I don't know what she's going to think of me, but I hope she can forgive me for what I'm about to do behind her back.

I can't lose her—she's the only family I have.

Feeling defeated, I part myself from her and stand up. "I'm going to go with Liora for a bit. We are heading to the market together. Do you want me to get something back? It will only be an hour or two." My throat begins to close as I lie to her.

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