Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The heat suppresses, only for the night and I manage to get a peaceful sleep, even when in the tower. I don't toss or turn. In fact, I don't even wake up. The air's filled with my mate's scent and that alone provides me all the comfort my body needs. When I do manage to wake up, the sun's gleaming at the tall walls of the room.

The crows are at the window of the room, nicking their beaks at the glass window that cannot be reached by anyone. Their calls wake me up from my sleep. I stare at the wall in front of me for a moment before deciding to turn, but as soon I began to, I realize there's something around my wrists. Something odd.

My head quickly snaps to the right where I find myself restrained to the frame of the bed. I turn to the left and find my other hand in the same position, restrained.

I don't think, I only scream. "Zade!" It's a loud, screeching sound that leaves my throat when I call his name.

He's not here, not on the bed anymore. The door of the room is shut and I'm alone. I scream his name again and this time, the crows flee from the window and a few seconds later, silence wraps around me.

I tug on the restraints with all my might but they don't fall loose. Panic tightens my throat, leaving me breathless as I dart my head left and right. The rough material of the restraints scrapes against my skin when I pull again. They won't budge and I remain there, completely immobile.

The room feels cold now, the warmth long gone, replaced by an unsettling chill that seeps straight into my bones. My heart thuds hard in my chest as I desperately scan the room, searching for any sign of him. But he's not here.

Confusion sets in, mingling with fear. Why would he restrain me here? In this room? Again? What was he planning onto doing? None of it makes sense.

We spent the night together and I know he slept with me, for a few hours at least. I felt his warmth, but now all I feel is cold. Questions swarm my mind, but there are no answers in sight.

Was this his plan all along?

My head cocks to the door as I hear footsteps in the distance. The door is wide open and I can hear the steps echoing across the staircase outside. My heart skips a beat and a surge of hope rushes through me. But as the footsteps grow nearer, my hope turns into disbelief, then anger.

It's just not him. He's not alone.

My eyes widen as I see him leading another woman into the room. Her eyes are vacant, she barely looks at me, she just follows Zade's lead. It's as if she's under some kind of spell, completely submissive to his will.

"What are you doing?" I question, my voice as low as it can get. My head is not clear as I have just woken up but I know what I'm seeing. Another woman.

She's not ugly, she's pretty and she's not old either. She's a young woman and he's holding her hand. His eyes glint with sadistic pleasure as he sits down on a chair across the bed, in front of me. His eyes remain on me, challenging me. The woman moves when he leans back on the chair, she moves onto his lap.

"Oh, don't be so surprised. Did you really think I'd let you do everything as you wish, as you enjoy, whenever you feel like?" He asks me while looping an arm around her. His voice drips with amusement. "Did you think I'd let you go so easily after what you had done? I'm starved, Aurora."

I grit my teeth while pulling on the restraints. "You're sick. Using innocent people to satisfy your twisted desires. It's despicable."

He chuckles, his fingers trailing lazing along the woman's neck. She smiles at him and lets him continue. "Despicable?" He asks me. "You speak of innocence and twisted desires, yet you willingly came to me last night, seeking what I could give you while offering me exactly what I wanted after taking the only one thing I need for my survival."

"I apologized for it—"

He cuts me off before I can finish. "If you were even a part of what I am, you'd have a darkness that's far more sinister than mine, Aurora. So don't talk about innocence here when the only innocence you contain is between your legs."

My fists loosen as I sit there in silence, letting the truth hit me. He pulls the woman closer to himself before sinking his teeth into her throat and feeding from her. Jealousy curls inside me and as much as I want to look away I can't. My teeth clench at the sight in front of me. There's no escape from this.

The woman doesn't scream. Rather, she enjoys it, him. My mate.

My eyes narrow, lower and lower, as low as they can go, but I can still hear them breathing. I sink my nails into my palms, holding back my rage. He's taking his victory, he's enjoying this, and he wants me to feel exactly what I'm feeling now.

Jealous. In his control. Miserable.

When he finishes, there's blood on his mouth and satisfaction in his eyes. The color that was once gone returns to his face and he smiles at me, wickedly. The woman presses her hand against her throat, stopping the blood.

He doesn't even hesitate before offering his blood to her, to heal her wound and to ensure she wouldn't get sick. The action of her taking his blood further fuels my anger. It's like someone has thrown petrol on the fire raging inside me.

I hate her, I decide. I hate her with a passion that's new to me. But more than her, I hate him for doing this to me. For showing me a sight that's tearing me apart, piece by piece. He knows what he's doing.

He didn't take my blood, nor did he give me his yet he's willingly giving someone else.

"There's just a different delight in drinking blood straight from the source," He whispers, but I hear him well. "Thank you so much for coming here with me, Sierra."

She lifts off his lap and smiles at him, her hand still in his. "Whenever you wish for me, my alpha, I'll be here." Her voice is soft, coy, quite different from the bitter bile that's rising in my throat. She bows her head, still smiling before she walks out of the room, leaving us alone.

I watch his gaze trailing her all the way till she's outside. When she's finally gone, his eyes return to me and a grin stretches over his face. He stands and heads to me.

When he gets on the bed, I squirm back. His smile widens, but there's a darkness in his eyes that wasn't there before. "Going somewhere?" He chuckles while knowing well I can't even move.

It's a nice game he has played. Pleasing me, letting me sleep with him, and then tying me up just so I could see him drinking from another woman.

His icy fingers trace the line of my collarbones before he reaches the restraints that bind me. "Do you feel that?" He murmurs. "That's what being powerless feels like."

"If you're done, let me go." I say, my jaw clenched tight.

His lips are still tainted red with blood when he says, "Jealous?"

I swallow hard and even when I want to hide my emotions, I can't. He can read my mind. "Yes."

His eyes flicker with surprise at my honesty. He wraps his hand around my throat and I no longer can't look away from him. Even when in heat, I despise him in a way I've never before. His touch is no longer comforting.

"Does it hurt?" He asks with a hint of concern in his voice. "Seeing me with her?"

"Yes," I admit, locking my gaze with his. "It does and if you're done tormenting me, let me go."

"Am I done?" He leans back and shrugs, enjoying all of this. A bit too much.

With a swift move, he unlocks the restraints and releases me. I pull my wrists down and scurry away from him without wasting a second. I feel his gaze on me when I leave the room and run down the stairs, nearly tripping over every step.

When I make it outside, the cool morning air hits my face, stealing my breath. A tear streaks down my face, hot and fast. I let out a sob and place my hand over my mouth before anyone can hear it.

Before he can hear it.

I don't want him to enjoy my misery.

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