Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Do I really want to kill him? No. That's just cruel. All I want to do was put him to sleep, at least for a while so I can run free from him because I don't see any other option. I'm not that cruel. Maybe a little.

The longer I stare at the wooden stake, the more conflicted I become. The sharp end of it pokes against my palm but doesn't pierce through as there's no pressure applied. I squirm further on my stomach and slip the piece of wood underneath the bed before turning around.

If Zade even gets a hint of my plan, he would use every ounce of his power to prevent it. He's far more stronger than me and cunning. I need to be cautious, and strategic if I'm going to go with this.

I tilt over the bed and lay down on my back. It's late at night and all I've been doing is contemplating over the past few hours.

The walls of the room are getting closer and closer to me. I've to make a decision before the night ends. I'm certain I want to run from here, as far as I can go away from Zade. He's not only cruel but also far too dangerous for me to handle on my own.

There's no assurance of what life is going to be like if I stay here any longer. Just the thought alone fills me with dread.

I thought it would be different, that he could actually be someone nice from within, but he's not. He's as evil as one can get. The emotions from my heat no longer blur my judgment.

I see Zade for who he truly is and after hearing him speak with Estella earlier, about my mother, I'm sure he's nothing but a cruel monster.

I have to run.

I snap out of my thoughts the moment the door to the room opens. It's ironic how the devil appears just when his name crosses your mind as if he has been lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to make his presence known.

His eyes lock on mine, a twisted sneer playing on his lips as he clicks into the room without a warning.

I sit up straight on the bed and paint my face with innocence as if there isn't a piece of sharp wood under the bed waiting to meet with its doom.

He flicks the door shut behind him and begins circling around the bed. My eyes move with his movements and I try to understand him again.

"The score's settled." He says.

I scoff, immediately understanding his unwavering facade of guilt. "It's not." It would've been if I hadn't heard him talk about my mother and the fact that it didn't matter if she was dead or alive.

Zade walks closer to me, his attention fixated on me. "The score is very much settled."

"It's not," I repeat. "And it's not going to be settled until I say so."

"Settle it."

"No." My response comes out quickly, laced with a hint of anger that I'm sure he doesn't recognize.

His eyes narrow and silence follows. I can see him trying to read my face or my mind. I'm not quite sure. With his abilities, one could easily read someone's intentions and that's the last thing I wanted to happen. He cannot know what I've been planning for him.

So, I look away.

He reaches forward and holds my face in his hand, tilting my head. I don't meet his gaze.

"What is it going to take for you to settle it?" He demands to know.

I continue to avoid his gaze, but his grip on my face tightens. "Nothing from you." I respond a moment later.

"Nothing?" His response is both a question and a statement. "Is that so?"

"Yes," I answer, lifting my chin and staring back into his icy gaze.

"I'll settle it myself then."

Without a warning, he pulls my face before his lips descend onto mine, not brutal but raw and powerful. His lips are softer than I imagine, firm and warm against my own but his kiss isn't. They demand a response I'm helpless to deny. My eyes instinctively close, surrendering to the heated sensation.

His fingers dig into my skin, a desperate grasp to hold my face as he ravishes my mouth. His other hand threads through my hair, tugging lightly, and in response, a shiver runs down my spine.

The world tilts and spins, like it has never. It's wild, his mouth. His kiss drowns out everything else in my mind.

His lips part mine with a demand I can't refuse and as I part my mouth, his tongue delves into the depths of my mouth, meeting mine in a dance. The taste of him is intoxicating and somewhat bitter.

I barely move my hands from where they are resting, over my lap. His sharp canines brush over my lips, reminding me of who he still is. But as I pull apart, gasping for air, he leans in closer and closer, with nothing but possession in his eyes.

Even when I want to break away, I find myself unable to move under him. The force, it's inevitable.

His scent, his taste still lingers, clouding my senses and erasing any traces of what has happened.

"I—" I begin to protest, but my words hang in the air, unfinished and unheard.

Before I can complete my sentence, he's moving. His fingers return to my jaw and his lips meet mine once more, a second wave of strike that's more possessive, more demanding than before.

It's rough, his mouth on mine.

It's a primal claim.

I hang on the edge as my back presses against the soft mattress beneath me. There's a soft growl, a sound that vibrates through his chest, filling the silence of the night. His hands, rough, roam my body. Each touch marks me as his.

As a heated path forms, my legs tangle around his. I can't stop myself anymore. My wolf stirs to life, needing him. It's impossible to keep her caged anymore. She craves his touch, his claim, as much as I do, if not more. She recognizes her mate, the instinct to breed and mark and she urges me on.

My doubts blur, almost as if they don't exist in this moment of heat. I'm left bare, every instinct screaming at me to surrender to this man, to this wolf who's claimed me as his mate.

Our lips part once more and our breaths mingle. I turn my head away from him and breathe heavily, my chest rising and dropping. There's a stake under the bed waiting for him.

I can't.

"Aurora," he murmurs, his voice low, a dark caress. "Look at me."

Fear envelopes me. I don't know what to do anymore. But how can I refuse him? At the same time, I can't let him see what's on my mind.

When his hand comes around my jaw, I'm forced to look at him, unwillingly. For a split moment, I believe I'm doomed but that's only until he speaks.

"Aurora," he says softly, his thumb tracing the curve of my cheek. "I want to be inside you. I want to feel you and only you." He whispers, his words a confession that tightens the knot in my stomach.

I blink, staring at him, stunned. My eyes lower to my hand that's pressed against his chest. I can feel the heat of his body searing into mine, a reminder of what he's offering, of what we could be.

"You drank from her." I whisper, my voice as low as it can get.

"I was thirsty, out of control, but now I'm not. I'm in my control, and I want you. I cannot bear the thought of not having you right now," His voice holds a tinge of regret, a hint of apology. "There's a hunger in your eyes that matches my own, Aurora. I've never craved to feel anyone as much as I crave to feel you. Let me have you."

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