Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

A bead of sweat rolls down my temple as I glance at the side mirror and then at the fuel indicator blinking in front of me. This is far worse than I thought. The roads ahead are clear, but I have no idea where I'm going, or even how I can leave north.

The fuel light blinks urgently. I need gas, and soon. My eyes dart around the road, fear gnawing at my insides. A lump forms in my throat at the thought of Zade, back home, desiccating.

I swallow hard, pushing that image away.

Focus, Aurora, focus.

I've been only driving for a while now. The sky is hinting that the sun is going to rise soon and light up the night. I've to leave from north before morning. A sign catches my attention that tells me there is a gas station at the next exit.

I take the exit, tires crunching on the gravel before I come to a complete halt inside the gas station. I pull up next to the pump and step out. There's only one man in the gas station and he's inside the store.

Leaning in, I grab the pump and shove it into the car before turning around and walking to the bar of the car. My hands slip over my knees and I kneel slightly while studying the broken bumper. I slammed into the tree earlier, this is meant to happen.

Part of the metal is nearly touching the ground and it has been troubling me the entire ride. I pull it out and shove the piece of metal into the car. At the same time, the pump clicks, signaling the tank is full.

I place the pump back and head into the store. The cashier smiles and waves at me as I enter. Rows of snacks, drinks, and road maps greet my eyes. My stomach grumbles as I move in the aisles. I have never felt this hungry, this empty and so thirsty.

I grab whatever I can fit into my hands before returning to the cashier.

The boy smiles at me once more, "How has your night been?" He asks while checking out the items in front of him.

I sigh, not knowing what answer I should give me.

I killed my mate.

"It's okay," I respond while bagging my stuff. "Just heading home. Could I get a road map of the state? I've no clue how to get out of this area."

The boy chuckles and nods, his fingers quickly tapping at the cash register. He disappears for a moment and then returns with a detailed map. "This should help you. It has all the highways and towns marked."

I thank him, the corner of my lips quirking up into a slight smile. It feels unusual, this normalcy after being trapped in that house for more than a week. I don't even know how long it has been. I'm just thankful I'm away from it and from him.

The events play in my mind again. His sleeping face, his vulnerability, the warmth of his touch—all play in my mind like a cassette. A knot forms in the pit of my stomach.

Maybe I did wrong or maybe not.

I step out into the chilly night air, clutching my bag of food close to me. A shiver runs through my body as I reach into the bag to grab the water bottle while heading back to my car. I hastily pull open the door and get inside, trying to escape from the cold outside.

There are not enough layers of cloth that can bring the warmth I had felt in the room, with my mate.

I huddle into the driver's seat, forcing the uncomfortable thoughts away. I'm not going to think about Zade now. I'm not.

My fingers are numb from the cold as I unscrew the cap of the water bottle. The water is chilly, too, as it slips down my throat, but it helps to push down the knot that's stuck there.

I start the engine and the growl of it fills the silence of the night. The fuel gauge points to full, finally. There's nothing that's going to stop me from reaching back home now. I pull open the state map and unfold it on the steering wheel. It's difficult to read under the poor light, but it's better than blindly driving.

A deep sigh escapes my lips as I find the route leading me out of here and back on the main highway.

But just as I'm about to put the car into drive, my heart lurches into my throat. A familiar scent lingers in the air, causing every hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.

It can't be.

But as I slowly turn my head, the fear thickens into a bone-chilling reality. There, sitting in the passenger seat as though he has all the right to be there, is Zade.


I scream.

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