Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

A hand cradles my face as I wake up. My eyes flutter open to find Zade, asleep. He's on his back and I'm resting on his chest. The sound of his heart beating awakens me. It's loud. He does have a heart after.

He looks innocent in his sleep, not the powerful, bloodthirsty hybrid I know him to be. I trace a finger over his brow, my heart heavy.

It's still night, nearing morning.

My insides are aching, sore, but it isn't the bad kind of pain. It's somewhat good. His lips, now soft and relaxed are parted slightly as he breathes. I remember them against mine, the feel of them between my legs, his tongue at my nub—

I stop my mind from running wild.

It was passionate, good but now it's over. He's still who he is and I'm still who I'm. Nothing of that is going to change. One night isn't going to make him better or take away the fact that he doesn't feel any remorse or sympathy for anyone. Not even me.

He's still cold, just like he's meant to be.

I slide off the bed, my legs wobbling a little as my body adjusts to the after-effect of taking his cock. I move softly across the room, wincing as a small wave of pain shoots through my lower body. I clench my teeth and press on.

When I look back, I still find Zade sleeping after all my movements. He's deep asleep. This is my only chance. One I'm not going to get ever again. I don't want to be trapped here for eternity, not like this.

I've to take the chance.

I can't forget what he said about my mother. I've to know how she is doing, whether she is even alive after Zade gave his blood. I don't trust him. I've to know myself.

My eyes stay glued on him as I reach down, under the bed. My fingers fumble around until they find the piece of wood I had kept earlier. I take it into my hand and drag it out from under the bed before standing back up straight.

He's still unhinged, asleep.

As I stand there, stake in hand, a surge of emotions washes over me. The man lying on the bed seems so different from the monster I want to run from. The vulnerability in his sleep tugs at my heart, planting seeds of doubt.

He seems harmless, his chest rising and falling with each breath he takes. His face is softened in sleep, the sharp cheekbones less intimidating, less monstrous.

But I know better. I know what he's capable of. What he is.

I grip the stake tighter, my knuckles turning white. I'm not killing him. I'm not. I tell myself that but it's so far from reality. I'm taking his life, only for a moment.

Estella's going to be awake by morning and she'll give him blood, she will bring him back to life, and in the meantime, I'll be gone, far away from him. He can haunt me all he wants to but I won't come back, I won't return here.

But what if it doesn't work? I stare at the stake and wonder. What if he doesn't go into hibernation? What if he wakes up? I'm doomed then.

I release the breath I've been holding before going onto the bed. The bed creaks a little as I near him and point the sharp end of the stake to his chest. My hands tremble. I look like a monster.

What if he fights back?

What if this kills him for good?

I don't want to kill him. He's my mate and it's not in me to kill anyone.

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