Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

How to kill a vampire?

I sit at the table in the kitchen, my usual spot. My hands are against my head and my eyes are shut tight. The smell of orange juice is strong along with the tangy taste of it in my mouth. The question echoes in my mind again. How does one kill a vampire? It's a dangerous thought, one that pushes me into dangerous territory, but I don't care about the consequences.

I'm desperate.

It's the day after the full moon. My heat's gone just as quickly as it came. It's meant to last for a few days but this time, it didn't. I think it has something to do with the hatred I've developed towards Zade.

A vampire is meant to be immortal. It cannot be killed, but it can go into hibernation. But how?

Zade doesn't avoid sunlight, he enjoys it. Garlic? It's too far-fetched, just tales. He's not a vampire, to begin with. He's only half a vampire, but still, there must be a way to send him off to some sleep for a while—to kill him.

"Aurora?" A hand comes over my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up and there's Estella, sweet Estella, just worrying for me. "You've been thinking for a while now. Is there something that's bothering you?" She asks me.

"Oh, nothing," I lower my head to take a sip from the orange juice that's in front of me. "Couldn't sleep well last night."

Estella didn't tell me anything about what I heard. What Zade said, all those words, all those threats, and all that disrespect. She didn't say anything. She simply said it wasn't the right time for me to visit my mother.

"You should take a walk outside. It may clear your mind. The sun is out as well, it's a bright day." She suggests me.

I don't even consider it. "It's fine, I'm fine." I lean back on the chair and cross my arms.

I want to ask her how I can kill her alpha, but at the same time, I don't want her to become suspicious.

Zade isn't letting me go to see my mother and his words were clear last night. Only over his dead body. Well, I intended on going whether it was over or under his dead body.

"Estella," I call out her name with a sudden urgency. She turns around and glances at me. "Have you seen another vampire, asides from Zade?"


"And are they all the same?"

"Yes, most of them are. They do have the same habits, drinking blood to preserve themselves but some of them have other abilities like mind control, speed, more strength..." She trails off.

I act surprised, "Oh, that's so interesting. You told me something about hibernation earlier, couple of days ago and I was curious to more about that. Do they just live forever and ever? I mean, are they truly immortal?"

"In a way, yes."

There's only so little I know about vampires, but she knows more, she knows a lot more than anyone else.

"How does one even go into that state of hibernation—resting?" I'm slow with my questions so she doesn't catch me.

She sits down near to me, her eyes getting glassy. "The most used trick in the book is to simply bury yourself and avoid blood for as long as you can. It's a slow process and it takes a while before a vampire can enter hibernation as there's still a lot of blood left in the body. Once it's completely used, they enter an asleep state. But it's a very dangerous state as a vampire in hibernation is vulnerable. At that very stage, they could be killed if their bodies are not protected."

I nod, taking it all in. Could it be possible for I could send Zade to that state? When I think of it, it's hard. He cannot resist blood and the last time I tried it didn't give me any good results.

"I see," I finally said, breaking the silence that has been formed. "It's fascinating. Dangerous, but fascinating."

"I agree."

Leaning forward, I ask her one more question. "Could it be possible that someone else could force a vampire into that state?" It's a blunt question and I hope she doesn't catch onto it.

Estella frowns slightly, thinking hard. "Well, I suppose if a vampire was kept away from blood for long enough, they could be forced into hibernation. The other way around would be a stab in the heart that would stop the blood flow, killing them until the wound heals. Once it does, they usually enter hibernation until there's a fresh source of blood presented to them. But to do that, one would need plenty of strength."

"Yes," I agree with her. "They are just so cunning and strong."

She chuckles and lowers her head. "Yes, they are."

As I finish my drink, I excuse myself from the table. "I think I'm going to take a walk in the garden," I tell Estella.

She nods and I step out of the kitchen before heading outside. The morning is cool with rays of sunshine that paint the garden with a soft glow. My eyes wander around the entire place as I walk.

The house is formed over the mountain. It's isolated, a perfect hideaway for someone monstrous like Zade. There are no houses nearby and there are no gates either. It's all open, open to flee but I know I can't run away like this. Those monstrous eyes are always watching me.

When he does leave the house, the doors are locked and there's no way I can go out as Estella's always near me.

I stroll along a pathway that goes to the tower. When I look at it, it terrifies me. There's just something so unusual about it and I still can't figure it out.

Why is it even here to begin with?

There are flowers everywhere in the garden, all of them blooming even in this harsh weather. A light breeze ruffles the leaves of the trees, creating a rustling sound. It's a beautiful day. There's so much beauty out here and a part of me never wants to go, but the moment I go inside that haunted house, all the beauty vanishes, replaced by darkness.

I near a tree and stare at the broken branches on the ground. Some are thick, some are not. I stoop down, brushing my fingers over the rough surface. After a moment of thought, I select a thick, sturdy branch around the length of my forearm. I pick it up and it's heavy.

This could do some damage.

He's played his game, had his fun. Now it's my turn. And I plan to hit where it hurts the most.

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