❀ Chapter One - A Nice Dinner ❀

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You were lucky enough to be brought up in a nice household with two loving parents, yes, they were at work most of the time, but they were still very loving. Whenever they would have free time, they would spend it with you. You'd all go to a restaurant or the mall or simply stay at home and watch movies together. The three of you were very close with one another.

So why the hell are you currently trying to attack them? Good question.

It was dinnertime, you were sitting at the dinner table eating a delicious dinner while your parents conversed with each other. You were minding your business, peacefully enjoying your food, when all of a sudden, a wave of nausea hit you like a truck. You spit out your food after discovering that it was the source of your discomfort.

"(Name), hey what's wrong? Why did you spit out your food?" Your father questioned, worried, while your mother got up and knelt down next to you, also worried.

That was when you lunged at her, teeth bared and hands thrashing. Your mother fell backwards and tried to gently get you off of her, confused and scared by the way you were acting. You continued trying to attack her even as your father came over and tried to lift you into the air, out of reach of your mother. That was when you grew, you grew almost thrice your size.

The sudden change in weight caused your father to accidentally drop you back on top of your mother, who was now holding you by the shoulders as you snapped your jaw in her direction. This is where we are now, this is how you got to this situation. Let's continue.

You continued your attempted attack on your mother for a few more seconds before you felt something heavy, definitely metal, collide with the back of your head. You fell unconscious on top of your mother, who looked up and saw your father holding the steel pan that he had used to cook dinner. They both breathed a sigh of relief before looking at each other confused.

"Why do you think that happened? Was it the dinner? You think they didn't like it?" Your mother asked your father, worried.

"They've always liked my cooking though, I don't see why they suddenly wouldn't. Maybe they manifested their quirk or something? Four is the age they were due to get it, so it's on time." Your father answered.

"I think your right dear, but what type of quirk would cause them to react like that? It's just so unusual. I'm worried for them." Your mother said, cradling your body in her lap.

"I'm not sure, we should put them to bed and see how they're feeling in the morning." Your father stated, going to help your mother up.

Needless to say, your parents were a bit unnerved by your actions. They didn't know if you could control yourself in that moment so they certainly didn't blame you, but what kind of quirk would cause a human to act like that? If it even was a quirk, after all, they still didn't know. They decided that tomorrow they would both take the day off to help solve the mystery as to why you were acting like you were. They figured it would help clear their minds of any worry.

Or it would increase their worry tenfold.


You woke up the next morning to the sun shining in your eyes. You sat up slowly, still half asleep, and blinked a few times while your eyes adjusted to the light. You slowly dragged your four year old body out of bed and over to your door. While walking, you tried to remember how you had gotten into bed, the last thing you remembered was sitting at the dinner table eating food.

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