❀ Chapter Seven - A Repetitive Cycle ❀

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About a week after you went to Midoriya's house, you started school. And, surprise surprise, you went to the same school as Midoriya. Which also meant you went to the same school as the blonde boy. Your first day went shockingly well, you hadn't made any friends, but you had Midoriya, and that was good enough for you.

Lunch had been a bit weird, people came up and asked why you were just drinking out of a cup instead of eating, but you just waved them off. Even Midoriya was curious, but you weren't ready to tell him just yet.

You spent your entire first day of school with him. And because of that, you got to see just how privileged people are. You were immediately cast out like Midoriya was, just because you were friends with him.

"I can't believe out of everyone they would choose him... he's just a quirkless weirdo..."

"Why do they have bamboo in their mouth? They're just as weird..."

"They didn't eat anything at lunch either, and they have super sharp teeth, it's scary..."

"What freaks!"

The students at the school weren't very good at being sneaky when they said things. Like they weren't trying to be sneaky at all. But you stuck by Midoriya's side, and for that, he was grateful.


Going to school everyday had caused something unexpected to happen. You found yourself falling asleep at school on Midoriya's shoulder, or on your desk, anywhere really. Midoriya would turn into a tomato whenever he felt your head rest on his shoulder, then he would panic wondering what he should do. Your parents were worried about it, so they did what they thought they should do: they took you to the hospital.

"Well, there's a very good chance that it is simply just narcolepsy, so we have proscribed a prescription with medication that should help." The doctor said, it was the same doctor you always visited.

'I have no idea what half the words she just said mean...'

You parents went to a pharmacy and picked up the medication. A week passed as you took the pills as you were directed, but nothing changed. So your paranoid parents brought you back to the hospital.

"The medication isn't working you say?" The doctor asked, your parents nodded, "Hmm... This is just a theory, but it may be because they aren't getting the nutrients they need. We discovered previously that they need human blood, as well has human meat in their diet. Because we are not giving them human meat, this may be a side affect of that. She might be sleeping to replenish the nutrients she didn't receive."

Your parents nodded in understanding. You thought that you were good to leave but apparently there was even more to talk about, and you were there for way longer than needed once again.

'I hate going to the hospital.'


Once you arrived home from the hospital, you decided that you wanted to go to the playground. Maybe Midoriya would be there and you could hang out with him and-

"OI! You're the girl that punched me!" The blonde boy said when yo entered the playground, pointing at you.

You stopped short and were about to turn around and head home when he continued.

"You can't just turn away from me you extra! Not after what you did! You don't even know my name!" He yelled, "My name is Katsuki Bakugo, and don't you forget it!"

'Not Kacchan? Maybe it's a nickname...'

You continued on your way out of the playground before Bakugo ran in front of you and blocked your path. His two lackeys appeared next to him shortly after.

"Now you have to tell me your name, it's only fair." That was probably the first sentence you've ever heard him say while not shouting.

You looked around for a stick, maybe if you told him he would leave you alone. You found one in wrote in the dirt.

"(Name)(Last Name), that's a dumb name." Funny, you thought the same way about his name, "I'm guessing you can't talk 'cause of the bamboo in your mouth right?"

'He's not a total idiot.' You thought, then nodded.

"See? I'm a genius!" He said boastfully.

'I'm hating him more by the second.'

"I'll give you a deal then, (Name)." Bakugo said, "I'll forgive you for punching me if you leave that dumb Deku alone. He deserves it really, and I'm much better than he is."

'Does he mean Midoriya? Is his ego hurt because I chose someone quirkless over him?

You should your head no, which immediately turned his expression sour.

"FINE! Be with stupid Deku then, you extra!" He yelled, "And leave! I don't want to see you anymore!"

You were planning on leaving way before he told you to. You just wanted to be away from his annoying presence. And you were perfectly fine with not seeing him anymore, you didn't want to anyway.

From then on, you went out of your way to avoid Bakugo whenever you could, at school, at the playground, wherever, whenever.


Your life followed the same cycle for many years after that. You would go to school with Midoriya, go to the hospital when needed, avoid Bakugo at all costs. Eventually, your parents told Midoriya and Inko the whole story about your quirk, and they were very understanding about it and said they would help you if needed.

Then, you started referring to Midoriya as Izuku instead, and your relationship with Bakugo didn't change much. You two would only interact when need, and you still had never verbally said a word to him.

Izuku would tell you how he dreamed to become a hero by getting into UA, and you overheard Bakugo saying he wanted to as well. You weren't sure what you wanted to do with your life.

'Izuku wants to be a hero, I want to help him with that. Maybe I could be a hero too? I could help people... That wouldn't be so bad...'


First of all, thank you all for 1k reads! That's amazing!

And guess what starts next chapter? Canon! Wooooo! I'm going to try to make one chapter for each episode of BNHA, which means the chapters will either get longer or shorter, I'm not sure. I just figured this was the easiest way to do it. Chapters may come out faster too now, because I'm not brainstorming, I'm just following along with the show.

I don't know if I mentioned this in an earlier chapter, but I'll separate this series into different books based off of seasons as well. Which means this book will be season one, the next with be season two, and so on and so forth. If I'm able to keep writing that is.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your reading, I'm super excited to start canon next chapter! :D

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