❀ Chapter Eight - A Few Bullies ❀

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'All men are not created equal'

That was something you'd learned over the years. The best example of this was your friend Izuku. A young boy in a world where everything revolved around power, which was provided by quirks. But he was not fortunate enough to have one.

You were given a quirk, but it didn't make you equivalent to your peers. They all thought you were a freak, except for Izuku. He stayed by your side and you stayed by his. That was how it was for years.

But one day, that changed.


You and Izuku were running on the sidewalk, rushing to school dressed in your school uniforms with backpacks on your back. Izuku led the way, holding your wrist and weaving through pedestrians. You came to a sudden halt at a crosswalk and waited patiently to cross. Izuku did something that looked like he was marching in place, you cocked your head in confusion at him.

The light went off for the two of you to cross the road and you were off once again. You slowed a couple minutes later when you heard a loud roar in the distance. You looked upwards and saw what looked to be a giant man with a weirdly shaped face.

'He kinda looks like a shark...'

You and Izuku stood back and you saw Izuku looking at the creature with awestruck eyes. He was fascinated by anything that involved heroes, that included villains. Villains always draw heroes near, so whenever Izuku found one, he felt the need to stay until a hero or two showed up. And you weren't just going to leave him alone, so you would stay and watch as well.

The two of you were late to school a lot because of that.

"Woah! That's one huge supervillain!" Izuku said, you nodded in agreement.

Said supervillain swung his arms around violently and caused a piece of debris to come hurling down at the citizens below. Just then, a muscly man with spiky white hair and striped black and yellow attire ran below the piece of debris and caught it before it hit the ground.

"Way to go, Death Arms!"

'His name is Death Arms? Izuku probably has him in his journal somewhere... I might've seen him before.'

The civilians around you awed at Death Arms' strength. You were quite impressed as well, you probably wouldn't be able to do that. Probably...

"Excuse me everyone, please stay back!" Someone said, another hero who looked to be dressed like a fireman with fire hydrants for hands, "It's dangerous here!"

'That's Backdraft, I remember him, he's a rescue specialist. Although I can't remember much else. His quirk is some sort of water manipulation though, based off what I'm seeing.'

Izuku struggled next to you, trying to see over the crowd of onlookers. You could see the heroes through a little gap in the crowd, and you tugged on Izuku's sleeve to get him to look where you were looking.

Then he started pushing through the crowd, dragging you with him. You tried to plant your feet, the two of you needed to get to school or else you would get in trouble again! The teachers would always give you unfair punishments, you didn't want to spend another two days cleaning classrooms!

But Izuku persevered, forcing his way through the crowd. That was when you heard some girls start fangirling and looked up to see one of the newer heroes in the area, Kamui Woods. He jumped towards the villain and dodged an attack.

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