❀ Chapter Two - A Long Trip ❀

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The long car ride to the hospital in Musutafu had been filled with silence, however, you could tell that your parents minds were anything but silent. They kept casting you worried glances, either through the car mirror or just turning to look at you in the back seat. This continued for the hour long car ride. You parents had decided to go to the hospital in Musutafu because it was definitely a more professional hospital than the one in your old town. They felt they needed professionals for this.

You sat patiently in the car, looking around outside while you drove to your destination. When you arrived, your parents still hadn't said a word to you, or to each other. Your mother walked over to you and helped you out of the car, holding your hand and guiding you to the hospital entrance as your father followed behind the two of you. Being so young, you were almost completely oblivious to the weight of the situation at hand. So you smiled through it all.

You sat in the waiting room as you waited for a doctor that would examine you. You were there for about 15 or so minutes until your name was called. You and your parents got up and followed the doctor into her room. You all found places to sit and eventually, the conversation started.

"So, Mr. and Mrs.(Last Name), it says here that you are here today to check if your child has gotten their quirk, is that correct?" The doctor asked.

"That's correct. It's just, they've been acting weird since yesterday and we wanted to see if it was because of their quirk." Your father asked as your mother held your hand, attempting to calm you, even though she was probably more worried then you were.

"Weird how?" The doctor questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, last night, we were eating dinner when they suddenly spit theirs out and started to-" Your father paused before getting closer and whispering to the doctor, "they started to attack my wife when she went over to check on them... like some sort of wild animal. Then this morning they apparently didn't remember any of it!"

"I see..." The doctor said, typing something on her computer, "Anything else?"

"Yes," Your mother said, "This morning, when we made them breakfast, they turned away in disgust and asked for- they asked for blood instead..."

At this, the doctor's face morphed into one of shock before she started rapidly typing on her keyboard. After that, she offered they scan your foot to check how many joints you had in your pinky toe. If you had a quirk, then this would all start to make at least a little more sense.

You were at the hospital for at least another hour after that. They discovered that you did have a quirk and came to the conclusion that your odd behavior was because of it. When your parents were finishing up their conversation with the doctor, you realized how hungry you were, you hadn't eaten since dinner last night.

"Mama, I'm hungry." You stated, looking at your mother.

"Oh- uh... what would you like sweetie?" She asked, hoping you wouldn't say-

"Blood, please." You answered politely, smiling slightly.

The three adults in the room stared at you for a few seconds before the doctor said something to your mother and rushed out of the room. So you sat there. For another 30 minutes. 

'Why are doctors appointments so long?' You thought, resting your head in your hand and sighing.

The doctor returned, but she had something with her, a cup with a straw coming out of it. She went up to you and gestured for you to take the cup. You grabbed it with both your hands and peered inside. Just what you had asked for. Just looking at it started to make you drool, your hunger was really hitting you now.

So you drank it as your parents and the doctor watched intently to see your reaction. Would you be disgusted? Why did you want to drink it but not eat regular food? They had so many questions. They were so lost in thought and awe that they hadn't noticed you had emptied the cup entirely.

"Thank you, I'm not that hungry anymore!" You thanked the doctor and gave her a closed eyed smile, the adults were still too shocked to move.


The doctor had come to a conclusion that your quirk had completely changed your appetite, which was probably why you kept asking for blood instead of candy like a normal child. You found out that the blood the doctor had given you before was human blood, and after that you had felt extremely guilty, thinking you had caused them to hurt someone to get blood for you.

"Oh! No, we didn't hurt anyone to get this blood. We have blood for emergency situations, such as if someone with a really bad injury comes in and they need more blood than what they have, so then we can give it to them!" The doctor tried explaining to you in simpler terms.

"Oh," You said, "Well, could you say thank you to them for me? For letting me drink their blood?"

The doctor smiled a little and nodded, she would tell them their blood had been used, but certainly not how. With that, she turned to your parents and told them to come to the hospital at least once a week, they would try to have blood on hand for you. The doctor had talked to her higher ups and they agreed it would be best if you were fed. They heard the situation about your attack when you first got your quirk, and weren't to keen to see a reenactment of it.

The only thing was, the hospital, being in Musutafu, was about an hour and a half away from where you and your parents currently lived. So, your parents started thinking.

"We've been planning to move for a while..." 

"The education system here is better, maybe our baby can even get into UA!" 

"I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself, but it's a good goal. And if something makes (Name) go crazy again, the law enforcement here is definitely better."

"Yes, your right! Okay, lets think about it more when we get home, I think we've been away for a bit too long. Most of our day off is over."

Then they looked at you.

"(Name), would you be alright with moving here? There's more people than our old town, but that means more new friends!" Your mother asked you, you tilted your head a bit and looked down in thought.

"I guess..." You said, "Yes! I'm alright with it!"

Now with the your approval about moving, blood in the back of your car, and the hope you wouldn't be pulled over, the three of you headed home. Que another hour and a half long drive, at least you were tired and managed to sleep through most of it.

You didn't even wake up when your parents got home, you were so tired. Instead, you woke up the next day. You went downstairs and were greeted by your parents. Your father smiled and presented you with a cup, presumably filled with blood.

"Your breakfast!" He said, "We were prepared this time!"

"Thank you," You answered, "I'm hungry, and blood isn't filling me up that much..."

He faltered, sweating a bit.

"Okay then... What would you like" He asked, 'please say something normal, please say something normal..'

"Flesh, please" You answered, giving him a nice smile.

"At least she was polite about it, haha..." Your father said, mostly to himself.

Your mother, who was standing right next to him, dropped unconscious.


Okay, so. I have something to say. 

That two year nap that Nezuko took isn't gonna happen. I figured that you have no real reason to get more power at the moment, and because you're so young, drinking blood and eating meat will help you gain strength over the many years.

Also, I'm aiming to start canon somewhere around chapter 5, so please bare with me. 

I hope you enjoy the rest of the book! <3

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