❀ Chapter Five - A Mumbling Boy ❀

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You hung out with Midoriya at the playground for about an hour as your parents unpacked. You just listened to him ramble and occasionally nodded or shook your head. You couldn't talk but you tried to show him that you were enjoying the time you spent together.

He would ask you questions and if they needed a more detailed answer than 'yes' or 'no', you would grab a stick and write your answer in the ground. You would ask him questions sometimes, but he just sort of ended up spilling out stuff about him while talking to you.

You found out that he lived in a little apartment building with just his mom, and that he really looked up to the #1 pro hero, All Might (he also mentioned that the angry blonde boy looked up to All Might too, but you didn't care about that).

"I really want to be a pro hero when I'm older! One that is super strong and saves people with a smile, just like All Might! But..." Midoriya's tone went from excited to melancholic, "But I don't have a quirk. That's why Kacchan was picking on that boy, and why he beat me up..."

'That's so sad. That someone this great is not given a quirk, but someone like that Kacchan boy is...'  You thought with a huff before putting on a determined expression, 'Midoriya deserves to become a hero, and I know he can! He can't give up without trying!'

You grabbed a stick off the ground and started quickly writing in the dirt. Midoriya looked over your shoulder.

"What are you writing?" He asked, squinting his eyes to read before they widened in shock at what you wrote, "You... think I can do it? You think I can become a hero?"

You nodded your head with a determined expression. You were about to write more words of support before you felt two tiny arms wrap around your body, stopping you.

"Thank you (Last Name), you have no idea how much your support means to me! You're one of the only people that has told me that I can be a hero even though I don't have a quirk!" Midoriya said shakily, was he crying?

You hugged him and pat his head, trying to stop his tears. A couple minutes later he calmed down and wiped his eyes.

"I should probably head home now, my mom might be worried because I've been gone so long..." He said, "I'll be able to see you again, right (Last Name)?"

You nodded your head and he smiled, giving you one last quick hug before leaving the playground and heading home. You dusted the bit of dirt you had on your clothes off before heading back to your new home.


You walked through the door of your house and found your parents scrambling around the kitchen, taking stuff out of boxes and placing them anywhere. There was stuff on the counters, on the kitchen island, on the chairs, every flat area had something on it. In the midst of the chaos, your mother noticed you were back.

"(Name)! You're back! How was your time at the playground? I saw you hanging out with the green haired boy from last time, did you make a new friend?" She crouched down to your level and asked.

You gave her a thumbs up, she took it as you had a good time and that you did make a new friend. Her eyes widened and she clasped her hands together, happy you had already found a new friend.

"Oh, that's so nice! Next time you see him be sure to introduce us okay? Maybe we can meet his parents and you two can hang out some more! And then we can..." She started rambling and you sort of spaced out looking at the floor, whoops.

"Honey, what are you talking about?" Your father asked your mother while holding a microwave in his arms, "Did I miss something?"

"(Father's Name), (Name) has already made a friend! Can you believe it?" Your mother answered.

"Well, you'll have to introduce us to her at some point, alright?" Your father asked you.

"Actually, honey, she made friends with a boy. I only saw him from a distance but he looks so cute!" Your mother said to him before whispering to you, "Not as cute as you though!"

You put your hands on your hips and raised your chin in confidence at her compliment.

"Oh, well then you'll have to introduce us to him then." Your father said, chuckling at your action.

"I already told her honey, you get back to getting stuff out of boxes, I need to help (Name) make her bed for tonight." Your mother said, matter-of-factly. "And she hasn't eaten dinner yet!"

She walked over to the mountain of belongings on the kitchen island and somehow managed to find your cup. She looked a little more and found a little packet of blood. She poured it in the cup and placed it in front of you, before heading to your bedroom to prepare your bed so you could go to sleep after.

You sat at the table and drank your blood, thinking about if you would see Midoriya tomorrow...


You emptied your cup and then you headed off to your bedroom to check on your mother. What you didn't expect was to find her sitting on the floor, reading a manual with a nail in her mouth, a hammer in her hand, and a bed that definitely was not built correctly sitting behind her. You cleared your throat to get her attention.

"Ah! (Name)! Don't mind the mess behind me, okay? We'll have your bed built by bedtime, I promise." She looked a bit embarrassed, "Now then, would you mind going to get your father for me, please?"

You stood there for a second and blinked, confused, before nodding your head and heading back to the kitchen. You found your father and tugged on his pant leg for him to follow you, and he did. The next hour was spent attempting to build your bed, which was apparently much more difficult than your parents had thought.

But eventually, it was (probably) built correctly. Your parents stood proudly, glad they had finally built it and you stood behind them clapping. After that you got ready for bed. You were tired and decided that you would take care of all the boxes in your room tomorrow. You laid in bed and snuggled up in your blankets. Then the bed fell apart.

You laid there for a couple seconds, pondering what to do.

Then you went back to sleep, you would deal with it tomorrow.


Hello! Sorry this chapter took so long, this week has been busy for me and I've been tired. This chapter's a little shorter but I might be able to get another one in tomorrow if I'm motivated enough. Still have no idea when canon will start, I've been winging it. 

Feel free to give me writing advice and please tell me if there's any writing mistakes so I can fix them!

Thank you, and please enjoy your reading! <3

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