❀ Chapter Twelve - A Lot of Training ❀

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And so, every morning after that first day of Izuku's training, you would meet the two of them at the beach. Izuku would work on clearing his section of the beach, and you would work on yours. Every day, you could feel yourself growing stronger, and every day, you could clean more and more of the beach.

But it wasn't just you. You could tell that Izuku was getting more fit too. He could carry heavier objects, and he could do them without almost passing out!

You also found out during your training just how sensitive your skin was to the sun. You had always known your skin was sensitive, but now that you were spending most of your time outside, you had realized just how bad it was. Luckily, whenever you got a sunburn (which was very often), it would heal extremely quickly because your quirk just does that.

'I wonder just how much my quirk could heal me... Could I regrow limbs like a lizard? I don't know if I want to find that out, actually. How strong will I get? I'm already strong enough to lift All Might on my shoulders and I can crush a small car, which is really impressive, but... can I do more than that? Is that possible for me? My speed is inhuman too... Just how far can I push my body? Could I be like All Might one day? Maybe even better than him?'

These many thoughts had circulated your head for weeks and weeks at this point. As your power grew, so did your curiosity.

'Ten months to train for UA, we can do it.'


However, you still had to go to school. Yuck.

While sitting in class and listening to your teacher talk about boring stuff, you turned to Izuku. He seemed really tired, like he was about to fall asleep. He had seemed to be like that a lot lately.

'That's weird, he's usually perky at this time. Did he not sleep well last night? I'll have to ask him about it.'

You looked away for a few seconds before turning right back around when you heard him mumbling. His mumbling got louder until the entire class had eyes on him, and he didn't even know.

"Hey! Midoriya!" Your teacher yelled, hitting Izuku on the head to get his attention as the rest of the class chuckled at him, "I know you had a run-in with a villain, but pull yourself together! If you really wanna get into UA, you might actually have to know something!"

'Why is everyone so damn rude? Because he doesn't have a quirk? He's gonna go farther than all of you will, I know it!'

Izuku clasped his hands over his mouth, embarrassed. All the students in your class turned and mumbled to each other about Izuku's behavior, you just rolled your eyes at them. What surprised you the most though, was that Bakugo didn't say a word. He just sat there, angrily, gazing out the window.

'He's been quieter lately, since after the villain attack. Maybe it changed him. I'm not complaining though, school has been peaceful since he shut up.'


Your life passed by quite quickly during your training, and almost every day was the same. You'd wake up in the morning, train with Izuku and All Might at the beach, go to school, then right back to training again. You had told your parents that you and Izuku had been training, but you didn't tell them where and you certainly weren't going to tell them it was with the #1 pro hero. 

𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙤𝙤? | bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now