Chapter 01; Reincarnation

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Lily's POV
I woke up in a warm, tight space.

I wasn't wearing any clothes, and I couldn't open my eyes or mouth. I was still breathing somehow.... And eating?

The taste of peanut butter and pan fried chicken, an odd combination I'll admit, but I absolutely loved it! I was gobbling it up in my weird new mouth....

That came from an umbilical cord? Wait a damn minute--?! I was being reincarnated?! I mean- I've heard of cases where kids remember there past lives but.....goddamn it.

I suppose it's not so bad....maybe I'll have a happier life here?

The food stops coming and I'm suddenly jolted around and the clear and distinct sound of retching fills the area. I cringed as I realized it was morning sickness, it honestly disappointed me because I was enjoying that why is she vomiting?

There's suddenly movement in front of me startling me "What the hell?!" I hear a voice that sounds like mine suddenly yell before another responds "Don't be afraid! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" A second voice called out to me "Huh? Who the fuck are you?!" I demanded, still slightly alarmed.

"I don't know...I don't have a name. I just know that we're in this home together" the second voice said making facts click together "Oh! We're twins!" I exclaimed making my twin ask "What are twins?" "They're two babies that are born together. They can be identical- meaning that they look alike- or they're born fraternal meaning that they look different" I explained.

"Oh! So does that mean we can be friends?" The second voice asked making my heart melt at their innocence "Of course we can be friends.... Well, it actually makes us more than friends. It makes us siblings" I tell them "What's that?" They asked "Siblings is another word for brothers and sisters, which is kids born to the same parents. It just mean that it makes us best friends for life."

I could feel their excitement before they asked "I can't wait for us to be sisters!" I smiled in my own weird way. I was gonna have a twin sister.... I mean, who hasn't imagined being a twin? Something tells me that I'm gonna like my new life....

We suddenly hear talking from outside "Bella?" A male voice called out "Hey, don't come in here" a weak feminine voice called out making me frown as I felt no connection to it despite it possibly being my new mother "You don't need to see this" she continues only for the male to say " 'In sickness and health' remember?"

"It must have been the chicken" Bella said before asking "Could you grab my bag?" It was quiet for a moment before the male asked "What is it?" Bella ignored his question and instead asked "How many days has it been since the wedding?"

"Fourteen. Why?" The male responded only for silence to follow and he asked again "Will you tell me what's going on?" But Bella only said "I'm late. My period, it's late" suddenly I started hearing multiple heartbeats. Two sounded perfectly normal and human while the third beat really fast and sounded like a hummingbird's wings "That's impossible...." The male mumbled.

"Can this happen?" Bella asked, then there was a shadow, passing over the womb. My new sister reached up and pressed against it "Whoa!" Bella gasped "It moved! Something in me moved!" I was curious about how far along we were, if she was able to feel movement, and she must've not known she was pregnant if she was this surprised by all this.

I suddenly hear a cell phone ringing and all the voices became muffled until "I'm not gonna let it hurt you. Carlisle will get that thing out" the male said making Bella echo him "Thing?" I flinched and my sister cringed and whimpered before snuggling into me for comfort at the man's harsh words.

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