Chapter 04; Lily

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Edward's POV
I re-entered the house after dealing with the wolves. I still can't believe that Jake imprinted on one of my daughters, she was literally just born! Just wait till Bella wakes up...

I stop when I see Rosalie holding the baby girl with blonde hair. I walk over and take her out of Rosalie's arms earning a grimace from her before her face goes neutral. I hold the baby in my arms look her over.

She's tiny, smaller than Renesmee. Her skin is darker than Renesmee's however, as she has a more human flush to her. Tuffs of golden blonde hair peak out from her head and rosy lips are set into a gentle pout in sleep. Her eyes remain a mystery to me as they're closed, but I hope that they are green.

She looks so much like my mother, Elizabeth, and as much as I hate to admit it, she looks a little bit like Rose.

"Rose and I were waiting for you to pick out a name for her....but Rose has nicknamed her 'Lily' for the time being" Alice says softly making tear my gaze away from her and look at Rose who's face remains impassive but her thoughts.....

"Really Alice? It's just a nickname, she reminds me of a lily flower that's all" she thought annoyedly.

I returned my gaze to my youngest daughter "Since Bella liked combing names, I was thinking, Elizabella Jalisper Cullen. After my mother and wife, and after one of her aunts and uncles" Rosalie frowned in disapproval but didn't outwardly comment while Alice beamed at being one of the people in her name.

Elizabella suddenly yawned and opened her eyes revealing aquamarine blue eyes (much to my disappointment) and she gave me a sleepily confused look making me smile at her cuteness "Well, hello there Elizabella" I cooed. She seemed even more baffled by my words, and elected to look around the room for something.

Her gaze landed on Rosalie and her eyes lit up before a wide gummy smile appeared on her face making frown in jealousy. The feelings increased when she reached out for Rosalie with a slight 'Ah, ah, ah!' for emphasis.

I subconsciously pulled her away from Rose and said "Auntie Rose doesn't wanna hold you right now" earning an appalled look from Rose who said "Edward! Don't tell her that!" Elizabella teared up and started crying while reaching for Rose.

The rest of the family walked in, and Jasper looked at Elizabella before saying "She wants Rose, give her to her" I went to protest but Carlisle spoke up and said "Edward, give Elizabella to Rosalie now" I grumbled before reluctantly doing so and watching in envy as Elizabella immediately calmed down and snuggled into Rose.

Rosalie's POV
I took Lily into my arms and allowed her to nuzzle herself into my chest. I subconsciously began scenting her and nuzzling her head gently. Edward stormed out of the room, possibly upset because of Lily's disinterest in him.

She smells like wisteria and limes which is similar to my freesias and cinnamon and Emmett's grapefruit and melons scent.

I found it odd because it smelled nothing like Edward, Renesmee, Bella's scents. Bella smelled like strawberries and vanilla while Edward smelled like lilac and rosemary and made Renesmee smell like lavender and vanilla.

I glanced down at her and observed her appearance. She had blonde tuffs of hair on her head that were starting to curl, her fair skin was slightly darker than Renesmee's and complemented her crystal blue eyes that sparkled like Emmett's human ones. Her fair skin had a subtle olive color like Emmett's as well, but the nail in the coffin for the similarities was the dimples that were revealed every time she smiled up at me.

She looked like the perfect blend between Emmett and I.... But that was impossible. She's Edward and Bella's daughter.

I shook my head and continued to watch her, only to realize she was scenting me as well. Her nose twitched like a bunny's and she sniffed and smiled as she noticed the similarities within our scents, perhaps that's why she preferred me?


The voice of my inner beast snarled throughout my head.

Mine. My offspring. Mine. Mine. Mine!

It declared with all of it's possessive and protective nature. It made me gulp as I heard it's words, but still denied.....

It's just not it?

Lily's POV
After waking up in Edward's arms surrounded by his unfamiliar and alarming scent and being called that awful name, I did what any baby would do and started asking for my momma.

When he finally returned me, with great reluctance might I add, to my rightful place in my mother's arms I immediately began scenting her. Satisfied to smell the familiar and comforting scent of her cinnamon and freesia.

A new scent suddenly entered my nose and it (thankfully) wasn't lilacs and rosemary. It smelled more similar to watermelon, whatever it was my inner beast loved it. I immediately turned my head to it only to see a giant muscular man with dark curly hair cut in a short style and golden eyes. His playful smile revealed his dimples, and I immediately recognized who he was.

Emmett Cullen, my father.

My face lit up upon seeing him and I instantly made grabby hands for him. His smile faded and he seemed startled by my actions. He then developed an unsure and insecure look on his face before looking to mommy.

"She's so tiny....what if I crush her? What if I hurt her?" He said without moving his lips. I was confused, but prayed that this wasn't a sign of what I thought it was.

Momma smiled at him and walked him over to the couch "Here, sit down and I'll show you how to hold her without hurting her" he did as he was told and looked up expectantly at mommy "Now make a big circle with your arms, I'm gonna place her in the middle and you need to slowly shrink the size of it" he obeyed and carefully wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay, now lift her head up slightly. It's heavy so it needs more support. No, wait-! Em, babe, just hold her like a football" mommy instructed as he started to hold me incorrectly. He got it now. Except for one minor problem....

I couldn't scent him....and he couldn't scent me.

So with all my baby might, I gripped the collar of his shirt and started pulling. Whether it was to pull me up or pull him down, I'm not entirely sure what I was trying to accomplish, but mom thankfully understood what I was requesting.

"Pull her closer to your neck, she wants to scent you" mom said and daddy obeyed. Once I was in the crook of his neck I could clearly smell the playful scent of melon and citrus. It was light hearted and fun with hinted sweetness and I was just as smitten with it as I was my mommy's.

I glanced up only to see that we were being watched by two other males.

Both had golden hair and eyes with angular facial features, but one was younger with longer hair that ended at his chin while the other was older with cropped hair that ended at his ears.

I quickly realized that this was my grandfather Carlisle and my uncle Jasper. I gave them a gummy smile before going back to scenting my daddy.

Paying no mind to how my new grandfather took off in a hurry.

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