Chapter 12; Seth, Leah, and Bella meet Lily

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Lily's POV
I was frozen as I desperately tried to block Ren from seeing inside my head and knowing all the horrible things her mother had thought about her.

I was disgusted and furious, but I was trying to keep a level head about the situation, despite the fact all I wanted to do was wrap my hands around her throat and beat the absolute hell out of that attention seeking whore (I know I surprised myself at my amazing restraint).

I couldn't tell anyone without proof because they might not fully believe me (I wouldn't blame them the was surreal me too), and claiming that I had they ability to read the mind of someone with a supposedly powerful shield just wouldn't cut it.

I just hope that my proof wasn't so that harmed my family.

Mommy had returned us to the living room and we were seated on the play mat. I was seated between mommy legs with my back to her stomach, propping me up slightly, and Ren was sitting up all by herself next to us and playing with the bay toys provided for us.

She was fiddling with a plush dolly when everyone re-entered the house making us look up expectantly. Daddy and Uncle Jasper quickly made their way to my mommy side, and daddy affectionately took my hand in his while Uncle Jasper played with Ren and I.

It was at this time when Bella entered that she finally noticed my existence, much to my chagrin. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion and jealousy 'Why the hell does Rose have a baby on her lap? I'm supposed to be the new mother around here! I'm supposed to be the one with a baby on my lap that everyone is fawning over!'

I scrunched up my face in distaste as uncle Jasper felt Bella's jealousy coming off her. He, unfortunately, brushed it off as lingering insecure jealousy from when she was human that she apparently held towards my mommy.

Not that I blame Bella for this. My mommy was kind, beautiful, and badass. Bella, on the other hand, was boring, bland, and arrogant. There was no competition between who was better.

"Why does Rose have a baby on her lap?" Bella demanded snootily making everyone except for mommy and daddy suddenly very uncomfortable "Bella, this is our daughter Lilibeth, Lily for short" Mommy said without even bothering to look up as she started playing clap hands with me.

Bella's eyes narrowed further as her frustration, jealousy, and suspicion whirled around her "But that's not possible! You said it yourself, vampires can have babies!" She snapped out accusingly causing Edward to step in and try to control his wife "Bella, please, let's talk about this at a later date. You should catch up on bonding with Renesmee" he said before walking over and plucking her up into his arms and taking her to Bella.

Bella was reluctant to hold her at first, but eventually agreed after realizing it would look bad on her if she didn't act like a doting mother. So she took Ren into her arms and left the room for some privacy with Edward following.

I knew that she wasn't going to let this go, she was going to investigate and harass everyone until the truth was revealed. Just like she did with Edward.

Leah and Jake entered shortly after carrying Seth to the couch. As soon as he was sat down my mommy tensed and I looked up to see both Leah and Seth nervously glancing at me as they were terrified to imprint on me.

I made eye contact with both of them, but felt nothing. They both sighed in relief and Jake looked at my mommy and daddy and shook his head to silently tell them that they didn't imprint on me. Jake smiled at me looking just as relieved before turning back to the situation at hand.

Unfortunately this left me a question that I hadn't thought about.....














'Who was my mate?'

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