More Than Friends | Jake

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I approached y/n with a sense of anticipation, spotting her at her school locker. A genuine smile crossed my face as I greeted her warmly, "Hey y/n." Her eyes lit up, and she returned the greeting with a beautiful smile that seemed to reflect the feelings she had for me. It was evident that there was a mutual attraction between us, but I wanted y/n to find the courage to express her emotions on her own terms.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't resist asking, "Any plans today, y/n?" as I opened my locker.

Her face filled with excitement as she replied, "Hmmm, I have nothing after school." With that, she closed her locker, and I followed suit, grabbing my belongings, eager to spend more time with her.

Together, we made our way to our first-period class, which happened to be science. Throughout the journey, I found myself stealing glances at y/n, who appeared a bit tired and kept yawning. Our seats were conveniently next to each other in that class, allowing me to notice her fatigue more closely.

Once we settled in class, my focus remained on y/n , who eventually found solace by resting her head against my shoulder. Concerned about her well-being, I gently inquired, "Why are you so exhausted? Did you not get enough sleep?"

y/n admitted to having a restless night, and with a tired yawn, she confessed, "I'm so sleepy." She rubbed her temples, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of fondness and concern for her.

"You know I've been telling you to stop staying up so late," I playfully reminded her, raising an eyebrow. Y/n frowned, acknowledging my advice with a sense of remorse. She looked down at her feet, displaying her genuine care for my worries. Witnessing her determination to please me only deepened my affection for her.

Thinking on my feet, I swiftly offered a solution, hoping to alleviate her exhaustion, "How about this? After school, I'll help you with all of your homework. What do you think, y/n?"

Y/n lifted her head off my shoulder, her expression mirroring surprise. "But you need help with your homework too," she pointed out.

"So? We'll help each other," I replied, awaiting her response. Y/n playfully pretended to be disgusted with the idea, but her laughter revealed her true acceptance of the proposal.

Nodding, she said, "Sounds great." The warmth of her smile filled my heart with joy.

"Okay then. Let's get through the rest of the school day, and afterward, we can walk to my house," I suggested. Y/n agreed, and she quickly texted her parents to seek their permission. Her thoughts reflected a mix of frustration and love toward her parents, as she vowed to prove that she could be trusted.

Skipping ahead to the end of the school day, we arranged to meet outside the main entrance. Patiently, I waited until
y/n appeared, greeting her with a smile, "Hey, y/n." She returned the greeting warmly, and we began walking to my house, hand in hand. Y/n remained silent, seemingly flustered by our sudden contact. Chuckling softly, I noticed her reaction and playfully teased her, causing her to shyly look away.

Upon arriving at my house, I walked to her side and opened the door for her. She smiled gratefully, letting go of my hand before entering. "I'm home!" I called out, leading y/n to my room. We settled down on my bed and took out our homework, ready to embark on our shared academic journey.

"Alright, let's start with math," I suggested, looking at y/n and opening my math journal. She teased me about my math skills, but I assured her that I had received some helpful pointers. Laughter filled the room as we worked through the problems, and after completing our homework, we both let out a sigh of relief.

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