Apple Pie | Heeseung

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I looked down at Heeseung, my lover, and admired the peaceful expression on his face as he slept soundly in my arms. The room was filled with the soft melody of his gentle snores, creating a soothing ambiance. I couldn't help but smile as I ran my fingers through his hair, relishing in the tranquility of the moment. Closing my eyes, I hummed a soft tune, allowing the serenity to wash over me.

Suddenly, Heeseung stirred, causing me to glance down with concern, afraid that I had disturbed his slumber. Much to my relief, he simply snuggled closer to me, still lost in his dreams. With a sigh of contentment, I held him tighter, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.

In his sleep, Heeseung let out a small groan and slowly opened his eyes. "Hm? Oh, Y/n," he greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning, Heeseung," I replied, returning his smile with a grin.

"Good morning, Y/n," he responded warmly, wrapping his arms around me in a tighter embrace. He expressed his gratitude for allowing him to rest on me, conveying his comfort and trust.

Blushing slightly, I chuckled and replied, "Yeah, no problem." As I rubbed the back of my neck, a thought crossed my mind, 'I love his smile.'

Heeseung yawned, and I took the opportunity to stretch a little before he gently untangled himself from my arms and stood up. "I'm gonna go to my room to change. Meet me downstairs in a bit," he informed me, heading towards the door.

"Of course," I nodded, watching him leave. I took a moment to change into fresh clothes and tidy my hair before making my way downstairs.


Leaving Y/n's room, I entered my own and proceeded to the bathroom. There, I undressed and enjoyed a refreshing shower, washing away the remnants of sleep. Wrapping a fluffy towel around my body, I grabbed a brush from the drawer and started meticulously brushing my hair, enjoying the sensation of the bristles against my scalp. Once satisfied, I left the bathroom, changed into comfortable pajamas, and made my way downstairs.

As I entered the kitchen, the aroma of something delicious filled the air. I saw Aei bustling around, preparing breakfast.


Suddenly, I felt arms wrapping around my waist, and Heeseung rested his chin on my shoulder. "What're you making, baby?" he inquired, his warm breath tickling my neck with a minty freshness.

Considering our options, I suggested, "How about some apple pie? I know it's a little out of the ordinary for breakfast, but I've been craving it lately." I poured a bit of batter into the pie dish, and Heeseung smiled, agreeing to give it a try. Smiling back at him, I turned to face him, his arms still securely around my waist. I planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, leaving a faint blush in its wake. "I love you," I whispered with a smile.

"I love you too," he responded, his cheeks tinted with a bashful expression. I smiled again and guided him to gather the necessary ingredients.

Together, I patiently taught him how to make an apple pie, and he quickly caught on, displaying a natural talent. I couldn't help but smile with pride as we worked side by side, creating a delicious pie. "It looks delicious," he hummed, his mouth watering at the sight.

Chuckling, I grabbed a plate and placed a generous slice of apple pie on it. Playfully, I teased, "I didn't know you had such a craving for apple pie." I placed the plate in front of him. Taking a forkful of the pie, I offered it to him, bringing the fork to his lips. I noticed his cheeks blush slightly before he parted his lips, allowing me to feed him a bite. His eyes softened with delight, and he let out a satisfied "Mmm."

Scooping up another piece, I took a bite myself. "You did a great job helping me," I praised, smiling at him as I savored the flavors.

"But you're still way better than me," he pouted, his brows furrowing slightly.

I reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, this is only your first time. You'll improve with practice, I promise. For your first attempt, you've done an amazing job." My words brought a genuine smile to my lover's face.

"I love it when you make me feel confident," he confessed, hugging my waist tightly. Blushing, I returned his embrace and lovingly ruffled his hair, cherishing the tender moment we shared.

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