birthday | Jungwon

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( This is from my Jungwon fic
named MEOW, go check it out ! )

The anticipation filled the air as we heard a soft knock at the door. Excitement coursed through our veins, and we swiftly dispersed to our designated hiding places, ensuring every trace of our presence was concealed. With bated breath, we watched as Jungwon approached the door, his hand trembling ever so slightly as he inserted the key into the lock. Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room that held the secrets of our surprise.

As Jungwon stepped inside, the darkness was instantly dispelled as he flicked on the lights, signaling our cue. In perfect synchrony, we burst out from our hiding spots, a chorus of voices shouting, "Surprise!" The room erupted with energy as we activated our mini confetti cannons, showering the space with a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. The harmonious blare of birthday horns filled the room, their cheerful tunes adding to the symphony of excitement.

Jungwon stood frozen in the doorway, his eyes widening like saucers, his mouth agape in astonishment. His cheeks flushed with a delicate pink hue, a telltale sign of his overwhelming emotions. We could see the genuine surprise and joy painted across his face, a sight that made our efforts all the more worthwhile.

Our gazes locked momentarily, and I couldn't help but offer him a gentle smile, my own birthday horn still pressed to my lips. His eyes softened, and a small, heartfelt smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, silently conveying his gratitude and delight.

"Happy Birthday, Jungwon!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement any longer. Swiftly closing the distance between us, I playfully popped a mini confetti cannon over his head, a cascade of shimmering confetti raining down upon him like a shower of celebration.

Jungwon chuckled softly, a mixture of relief and amusement evident in his voice. "Thank you. I thought you guys had forgotten," he admitted, his voice laced with a breathy chuckle. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he gave my arm a comforting rub, pulling me into a warm side hug. Leaning down slightly, he looked at me with genuine affection, his eyes sparkling with appreciation.

Whispering to him, barely audible amidst the chatter and laughter, Jungwon asked, "Did you plan all of this?" My nod confirmed his suspicion and a sense of awe washed over him. Relinquishing my hold, I gently guided him toward the inviting embrace of the couch, where the rest of our friends had settled down, engaged in lively conversations and laughter.

Taking my seat beside Jungwon, I couldn't help but observe the way his eyes would light up with every compliment thrown his way. The genuine happiness that radiated from him was contagious, spreading warmth and joy throughout the room. Seeing him so genuinely elated on his special day filled my heart with indescribable happiness.

Inspired by the celebratory atmosphere, I decided to add another touch of magic to the occasion. Rising to my feet, I made my way to the kitchen, a glimmer of anticipation in my eyes. Retrieving a lighter, I returned to the couch, holding a beautifully decorated cake adorned with flickering candles. With meticulous care, I arranged the candles, each one representing a year of Jungwon's life, a testament to the memories we had shared and the ones yet to come.

As the conversations continued to flow, I took a moment to ignite the candles one by one, their soft, flickering glow casting a warm ambiance over the room. The familiar melody of "Happy Birthday" resonated through the air, blending with the sounds of laughter and camaraderie. Jay, ever the documenter of precious moments, skillfully captured Jungwon's bashful reaction on video, focusing on his shy demeanor, his eyes darting away from our gaze, fixated on the cake before him.

The serenade concluded, and Jungwon closed his eyes, his hands clasped together, a silent prayer of gratitude for the years that had passed and the love surrounding him. As he took a deep breath, he leaned forward, his lips gently brushing against the flickering flames, extinguishing them in a single blow.

An explosion of applause and cheers erupted throughout the room, an outpouring of affection and admiration for the birthday boy. We celebrated his presence, his uniqueness, and the beautiful soul that he was. At that moment, surrounded by love and friendship, Jungwon's smile radiated brighter than ever, filling the room with an undeniable warmth that would forever be etched in our hearts.

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