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YN = Your name
this font with '...' are thoughts
EC = eye color
HC = hair color
FC = favorite color

Ford's POV:

I have recently moved to Gravity Falls, my hut is finished and I started to write a Journal about the creatures of this small town and the forest surrounding it. Today was quite sunny, a perfect day to study more beings living in the forest. So I packed my stuff I needed and made my way out.

I was walking about 30 minutes in the forest, not finding anything, which is normal, most creatures hide or live more in the middle of the woods and I wasn't even close to be in the middle. A sound of a baby crying appeared out of nowhere, I was shocked to hear a baby crying 'A baby? Crying here in the forest? What is a child doing here? It could also be a creature that uses such a cry to lure humans... I need to check that out!' I thought and ran to the source of that crying. Of course I still was careful incase it was a monster. I spottet a stroller, I slowly approached it, looking inside. I gasped surprised and shocked 'Which normal human being would leave their child alone in those woods?' I was pissed off, who would leave their baby alone in a forest? I looked around, there are no signs of any other human being, which was concerning. I gently picked up the baby, looking at it. It was a human, about 5 months maybe 6. When it felt it was hold, it stopped crying, I saw it's eyes, they had a beautiful shade of EC, and it's hair was HC. I made eye contact with the baby. Something inside me snapped. I felt like I had to protect the baby, raise it as if it were my own kind. It started crying again, but not as loudly as before. The child's stomach growled. I knew it had to be hungry before I could look for a pacifier, the baby bit in my chest looking for breast milk, luckily it didn't hurt because I was wearing my turtleneck and because the teeth were still there not so were were hard. I had to chuckle "You wont find anything there". I took off my tie to give it to the baby so it can suck on it but the baby ignored my tie and went for my finger. The baby laughed and put my finger in it's mouth 'That's so adorable- Omg my heart'. I held the baby in my arm and took the stroller with me, I walked back to my home 'I need to buy stuff for you' then I realized "Oh! I still need a name for you" the baby looked at me "Hm... How about YN?" the baby laughed, seemingly to love the name "Hehe.. YN it is.".

Daughter of Ford / Gravity Falls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now