5 Years Later

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No ones POV:

Ford had taken care of YN since he found them in the woods. He loved the child like YN was his own, he still did research on Gravity Falls, whenever he had time. YN grew faster and smarter than most children in their age, the part with being smarter than most 5 year olds is obviously due to Ford being their father and the growing faster must have been genetic.


I woke up in the morning, happily and excitet, today was my 5th birthday! I put on my clothes, I ran into the bathroom, to brush my hair and teeth. I looked into the mirror in my bathroom "AAAAAAAA!"

Ford's POV:

I was making breakfast in the kitchen until "AAAAAAAA!". I quickly ran up to the bathroom from my child. I opened the door, holding my gun incase a monster was inside "YN! What happened?!". I looked down to YN on the ground, their back shown to me, I looked around and put my gun away. Slowly I aproached my child and kneeled down "YN? What's wrong?" I asked, worried, placing my hand on their small shoulder. They were shaking heavily, breathing fast. YN turns her head to me, I was shocked at what I saw.

YN's eyes were black, and with black I mean their usual whote parts were black, only their EC was left, the iris was glowing. But not only their eyes were different, there was some black stuff coming from their nose and ears. YN looked terrified, they teared up but the tears were black aswell. I never saw something like that 'YN must be some sort of demon... or another creature... A normal human does cry black stuff, neither do their eyes become black.' Whatever YN was, I needed to help them, controlling whatever this black stuff is. I hug my kid "Hey hey... It's ok..  Calm down.." I spoke softly wiping the black tears off, I would have to study this black stuff later. YN hugs me back "W-What is happening to me papa?.." they asked with a shaking voice, I caress their cheek "I don't know my dear but I promise I will find out what's going on". YN started to calm down, but they are obviously still scared at what's happening. I picked them up, in my arms, and carried her down to my lap. I never wanted to take them there, it is to dangerous, but I need to find out what's happening, not only for me and my studies but also for YN, actually mostly for them.

I give in the code in the venting mashine and closed it behind me. I stepped into the elevator after walking down the few stairs and went down to my lap, YN looked around, amazed. Normally wheb I work down here, they are in their room, reading, playing, drawing or writing their own fantasy stories. I put them on a stool and took a sample of this black substance, YN watched me closely, obviously excitet over the fact that I brought them down here but also to watch me work.


Papa brought me down to his lap, which excitet me, Im usually not allowed down there. I completely forgot it was because of the black substance. Papa placed me on a chair and took a sample of the black stuff coming from me. I watched him doing stuff with it. I don't really know what he was doing as I couldn't see it right. Papa took alot of notes in his Journal with a '1' on it. The book was close to be finished, he already started the second book. I never will understand why he started the second Journal before he finished the first one. Papa came back to me, looking at me, I couldn't see his eyes due to his glasses reflecting the light around us, which happens sometimes. I did feel he was sad, which worried me 'Why is papa sad? Am I something dangerous? Will he lock me up so I can't hurt anyone?' I stared at my father. Finally he kneeled down to my level "I have to tell you something YN.." his words trembled, I tilted my head "You probably noticed already that we don't really look alike. You have nothing from me." papa began, I stared at him. I already was suspecting him to say the following "I need to tell you.. You are adopted..." 'I knew it.' I hugged him "Papa, I already suspected that.. Especially now." He hugged me back "You were always smarter than other children... Of course you suspected it.." he dounded relieved that I took it in so well. I don't care if im adopted if in honest, Papa will be my father, no matter what. He pulled away, looking away "Well now I can tell you what I found out." now Papa looked at the notes "Appearingly you are some sort of half demon half human. I haven't figured out what kind of demon.. But I promise I will figure it out so we can try our best to control thid black substance." Papa spook with a soft and reasuring tone. I hugged him tightly "I can help you!" "If you want to my sweet child." He smiled and held me close.

Since then my Father made some experiments with the black stuff, it also came whenever I feel strong emotions, not only anger but also happiness but the result is different. When im feeling strong negative emotions, the black stuff comes from me coughing sometimes throwing up, but then Im feeling strong positive emotions only my eyes turn black and the black substance comes from my ears sometimes nose.

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