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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Currently running on energy drinks while I fight my laziness at 11 am👍 I love my life :'>


Im finally 10 years old. Surprisingly, papa celebrated it with me. He is caught up with building that portal that he completely forgot to take care of me most of the time. He obviously gets rarely sleep, most of the time he pulls One-Nighters. It also makes me really sad and angry that papa doesn't play games, like 'D,D & More D' with me anymore. Not only that, he hasn't even noticed how strong I've become. I can do things I couldn't do before. Like I can cover myself with this black substance, I can manipulate shadows and ect. I want to tell him but papa only comes up from his lap when he really needs to. I have been eating cane food for a long time now, I can't stand it anymore.

Today I was in the kitchen, reading through a book of mine that I got for my 10th birthday. Just sitting and reading, bored. A sigh escaped my throat as suddenly Fiddleford stormed through the hut, he is completely distressed, panicing and traumatized. I got up quickly and followed Fiddleford "Fiddleford! W-What happened?..." He turns around to me. His whole expression scared me, I stared up at him as he stared down at me. Fiddleford grabbed my shoulders "Listen kid. Your father made a horrible decision to build this mashine! It will tear our world apart and release something dangerous into our world!" he shook me a bit, I didn't know how to react, he continued "You need to talk to your father. He won't listen to me when I say he should turn it off. Maybe he will listen to you. I need to forget this." as soon as he finished talking, he left the hut. Leaving me just standing in shock and fear 'Papa wouldn't build such a dangerous mashine.... Would he?' I thought, welp there was only one way to find out. I approached the vending mashine, it was still open, Fiddleford must've forgotten to close it. I walked down the stairs and then took the elevator down.

I arrived in my fathers lap, I look around. I spottet my father, leaning against a metal wall, he looked paranoid, panicing. He grabbed his journals, the second and first one. I walked up to him "Papa?" I carefully asked, catching him off guard "YN! What are you doing here?! I told you not to come down here!" he raised his voice, that send a shiver down my spine. He never raised his voice at me. He looked like he was being hunted, chased, or whatever. When papa noticed that I was taking a step back, he calmed down a bit, getting down to my hight "Listen YN. I made a horrible mistake. I know I wasn't the best father those last few months and I'm terrible sorry for that and I hope you can forgive me but I need you to do something for me, please." Papa was terrified, which scared me more. I only nodded "Alright. Go hide journal number 2 somewhere where no one would look" he pressed the second Journal against me, I took it and looked at him "W-What about the first and third one? And what about the second favor?" I tried my best to not let my voice shake, I didn't know what is going on. My father stood up "I will hide Journal 3# and I will call someone I can trust to bring Journal 1# far away from here." I tilt my head, before I could ask who he would call he began to speak again "I will get my twin brother Stanly. And about the second favor... I need you to down the bunker and get a laptop for me. Don't worry, the Shapeshifter should still be frozen so you don't need a disguise." 'Papa has a twin?! I have an uncle??' I couldn't believe what I heard but I pushed it aside "W-here should I hide Journal 2# and should I get the laptop now?" "Just find a good hiding space.. You can go to the bunker after I made the call and after you ate something..." he looked at me, just noticing how thin I've gotten due to only eating cane food. I was able to see the guilt and regret in his eyes, Papa pulled me into a hug, a tight hug. It's been a while since he hugged me like that, I teared up and so did he. I hugged back, sniffing "I-I promise YN... From now on I will be a better father.." Papa tried his best not to cry, he let go, wiping both our tears away. Papa gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I made my way into the woods, not into the dangerous part tho. I searched for a good place but I couldn't find a hiding spot 'Damn it... There is no good place to hide papa's Journal! Hm... Maybe I could bury it! Yeah! I bury it! Right under a tree, no one would search there!' I got to a bigger tree, excitet, thinking my hidibg space is a good place. I kneeled down by a tree and started digging with my hands. It took a while but eventually I burried a hole deep enough to hide the book inside. I shoved the burried up dirt back into the hole and stomped it flat "There! No one will think something is buried there!". I got up and brushed the dirt off of me, my finger tips and nails are covered in dirt 'I definitely have to wash my hands before eating.' Now I made my way back to home.

Back at home, I could smell something cooking, I gre excitet and ran inside to see Papa cooking. He was shaking tho, I approached him but made sure he would hear my footsteps, as I noticed that he is always on edge. Papa turned around, he was cooking my favorite dish! He glanced at me and my hands "Go wash your hands dear and then sit down. I'm almost finished" his voice more shaky then normal. I just did what he said and washed my hands before sitting down.

Father and I ate, he wasn't talking much, which was unnerving. After eating I made my way to the bunker, I put on some warm clothes as it had startet snowing while we ate. I was constantly thinking of papa and what he is going through.

Ford's POV

After the incident with Fiddleford I became hugely paranoid. Bill betrayed me. And my child was in danger. I needed to turn off the portal and hide the journals. I needed someone I could trust to hide one of them, my twin, Stanly.

YN came down to my lap, I apologized to them for being a horrible father and asked them to hide Journal 2#. Fiddleford had some important informations on his Laptop which is currently in the bunker but I had no time to go there, neither can I allow myself leave the hut now that Bill is angry at me for turning off the portal. I haven't told Bill about YN and I really hope he wont visit them. To make it up for neglating them, I make their favorite food after sending a card to my brother Stanly. He isn't away all to long, he must be here in a few hours.

YN came back from hiding the book I gave them, they had dirt on their hands "Go wash your hands dear and then sit down. I'm almost finished" I spoke, I'm still completely messed up from all what happened today. I didn't speak much, only asking if they like the book I got then for their 10th birthday.

10. My kid is already ten. Where have those years go?. After we ate YN went to the bunker, putting on some warm clothes due to it started to snow while we ate.

After a hour there was a knock, i quickly grabbed my crossbow and opened the door "Who are you?! Are you here to steal my eye?!" I noticed that it was Stanly "I have always been able to count on your hospitality" he spoke sarcastic. I pulled hin inside "Did someone follow you? Anyone?" I asked, before grabbing a flashlight, checking his eyes, making sure he isn't possessed by Bill.

We got into an arguement once I told him to sail away. He didn't wanted to leave and got mad, threatening to burn my first journal. I couldn't let that happen and we got into a fist fight, while fighting we turned on the portal by accident. I kicked hin against the hot burning thing on the keybord "Oh god Stanly! Im so sorry! Are you ok?' He punshed me, then he pushed me with the book past the line. The portal sucked me in "Stanly! Stanly help! Tell YN that I-" I couldn't finished my sentence, I threw the book at him before disappearing.


I went down to the bunker, closing the paths behind me so that the cold and snow wont come inside. I got to the lap part and found the laptop, but as I looked through the window, I saw that the cage that held the Shapeshifter was empty, it was broken even. There was only one left working but it held nothing inside. I decided to check it out and went through the door.

I looked around with a spare flashlight, I heard something behind me, I turned around and saw nothing. I knew that the Shapeshifter is around somewhere. Then a noise of one of the containers was heard in the whole bunker, well at least it felt like it. Suddenly I felt something slam me on the ground, it hurted badly. I shut my eyes due to the pain, I opened them once I felt something cold around me. I saw the Shapeshifter right infront of me, probably smiling, I couldn't tell cause it had a wrird mouth form. Now I realized Im in the free container, the Shapeshifter shut the door, freezing me "No! No! Please don't-" I froze.

That chapter got longer than planned oops lol. Welp I hope you guys like this extremely long chapter with over 1700 words👍

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