Small accident

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3 Years Later


Im 9 years old now. The weird black substance became less over the years. Now it only comes when I feel extreme anger, which is quite rare or when I cry.

Today my father was working in his lap, building a mashine with his old college friend Fiddleford McGucket. I still remember the first time I met him

*Flashback to 2 years ago*

"Greetings old friend. I need help with a project of mine..... I want to build a mashine to travel through Dimensions.... Great! I'll see you soon!" I heard my father talking to a guy on the phone. I walk up to him, pulling on his sleeve "Papa, who was that?" I tilt my head, earning head pats from my papa "An old college friend of mine. I want to build a Portal that can bring you through the Multiverse, so that we can find out from where the anomalies in Gravity Falls come from." he explained to me, he stifled a yawn. Dad has been very tired lately and he already has dark circles under his eyes. He rarely sleeps, I don't let him notice but I was worried about his health. I nod to his explaination "When will he arrive?" "In about 2 days or so.". I walked back to my room to continue reading.

There was a knock on our door and voices followed, I regonized my fathers voice but not the other one "YN! Could you please come down here for a second?" I heard my father call and so I ran down. I stop in my tracks when I spotted a man with brown hair, similar to papa's hair but the man was thinner, wore different glasses and had longer hair. He looked at me surprised "You weren't lying when you said ya had a child" the man said, which made my papa chuckle. My papa placed a hand on my back, gently pushing me forward "Introduce yourself" my father spoke friendly "H-Hello. I'm YN Pines.." I was a bit nervous as this was the first human interaction in a long while, I reached my hand out to shake his. He took my hand with a smile and shook it "Hello kiddo, Im Fiddleford McGucket. Your fathers old college friend." My father smiled softly at me and ruffled my hair "Could you please go into your room now? We have work to do and it would be dangerous for you" he asked me and I responded with a nod before running back to my room.

*End of Flashback*

Since that day, my father had been up for hours just to work on that Portal. I rarely saw him and his mental health worsened. I sat on my bad, staring blankly at the book infront of me, I thought 'I wish I could do something to help Papa...' I thought longer until I got a great idea 'That's it! I make them Pancakes! I watched Papa making them multiple times already, so I know how they work!' I got quickly up and ran down to the kitchen. I may be taller than most 9 year old but I still couldn't reach the upper kitchen drawers so I just climped ontop of the working surface, I could've taken a stool but Im usually not allowed to climp on the working surface and I wanted to do it at least once. I opened the drawer, taking out the mixer. I had to lean a bit back to close the drawer, which was a mistake, as I fell down backwards, I did try to safe myself but I just took a few plates with me and I landed on my foot, I heard a loud snap before an immense pain shot through my leg. The plates around me shattered and some of the pieces cut into my skin. I cried out in pain.

All that noise must've been so loud as my papa and Fiddleford ran into the kitchen.

Ford's POV

Fiddleford amd I were working on the mashine Bill told me to build if I wanted all my questions answered but in a short silent moment, we heard a loud crash, followed by the crying of my child. Both Fiddleford and I ran to the elevator and then up the stairs. We quickly got into the kitchen. I gasped as I saw my child laying on the ground, bleeding and with a broken leg, shattered plates around them. I approached them quickly, carefully picking my kid up. I placed them on a chair so they aren't on the shards of the plates, meanwhile Fiddleford cleaned the broken plates off the floor. I caressed my child's cheek "YN, what happened?" I asked them worried. They sobbed, alot of black tears coming from their eyes "I-I... Im sorry... P-please don't be m-mad..." I wanted to hug them but there is still glass stuck in them in some places so I pulled those pieces out "Mad? Of course not! I could never be mad at you my dear sweet child... I just want to know what happened" I was about to grab a towel to make it wet when the cuts were covered in that black stuff before they disappeared, the same thing happened to their leg. I was surprised seeing this but now wasn't the time to mention it. YN hasn't noticed cause they cried, Fiddleford wasn't paying attention to it as he was still trying to clean the floor. My poor child sobbed more but there weren't as many tears as before "I-I... Wanted to make p-pancakes for you two..." they admitted while stuttering. I felt my heart melt from the sweetnesd of my beautiful child. I hugged them, which caught YN off guard but they hugged back. I rubbed their back "That's a very sweet thought of you my dear.. How about after cleaning up, we make some Pancakes together?" I suggested, YN stopped crying and nodded quickly, their mood changed. Fiddleford threw the shards away and turned back to us, now he saw that YN wasn't injured anymore, he began to say some of his special slurs, which weren't slurs but more random words instead, YN was confused now, they looked down at themselves, now realizing that they are completely healed up. YN's face lit up even more, facinated "Im healed!" they happily squieked, I nod at them.


I was completely healed up! That must've been my magic. I was so excitet, not caring that I accidentally broke some plates. Papa ruffled my hair and got up, as he was kneeling down. Fiddleford was still surprised, but he shrugged it off as best as he could. I got up too and hugged papa tightly, earning a soft chuckle and pats from him. 

1143 words :')

Daughter of Ford / Gravity Falls FanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu