Chapter 6

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During the entire duration of the pooja, Ekansh & Isha , Vihaan & Meera and Aarav & Saanvi kept stealing glances of each other while Ansh was yearning for the presence of Ara. At around 4 in the evening all the rituals were completed and everyone went to have lunch along with the people. The day one started and ended with full spirits, setting the tone of the celebration for the coming days.

After lunch, the royal family members met the people and media for a while and left for their respective mansions to relax as they were all dead tired. They all could rest for a while as the day 2 of the pooja was scheduled after a week so, they technically had 7 days to relax and rejuvenate. It was almost 7 PM by the time all of them reached their palaces because it took them almost 2 hours due to the traffic.

At the Rajvansh Palace

As soon as they reached their palace all the elders retired to their rooms almost immediately, they even denied having their dinner saying they were exhausted and that they would be fine as they had a very late lunch. Ekansh quickly took a shower, got dressed and went to his home office to complete some of his work. Jay also joined him in sometime to work.

Saanvi and Adithi had just taken a shower and changed , they got of their rooms at the same time as Saanvi wanted some water and Adithi wanted some snacks. Adithi ran to Saanvi and both of them went down to the kitchen to get whatever they wanted and when they were coming back they saw the lights on in the home office and concluded that their brothers were still working so they gave them some snacks and wished them good night .They didn't try to ask their brothers to sleep as they knew their brothers wouldn't do so, they would be no point in telling them.

When Saanvi was about to open the door of her room,

Adithi stopped her saying " di, just a minute i wanted to talk to you about something, I know your exhausted I'm really sorry but, it's important" (di - elder sister)

Saanvi said "What happened Adithi, is everything ok ? and you don't have to say sorry but, let's not talk here let's go to the terrace. Actually even i want to talk to you about something"

Adithi agreed and both of them went to their terrace. on the glistening tiles, casting a soft, silvery glow across the entire space. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the potted plants that lined the perimeter, creating a soothing melody that added to the enchanting ambiance. The terrace overlooked a tranquil garden, where the moonlight danced on the surface of a serene pond, creating a mesmerizing reflection.

A wrought-iron table and chairs were strategically placed in one corner, bathed in the ethereal light. The table was adorned with a vase of freshly picked flowers, their colors illuminated by the moon's tender touch.As the night wore on, the stars began to emerge, joining the moon in illuminating the terrace. It was a scene of pure serenity and beauty, a perfect backdrop for shared conversations and cherished memories.

Adithi and Saanvi settled on the couch with a quilt and pillows.

Saanvi asked " What's bothering you Adithi ?" Adithi was always comfortable in sharing every little secret of her life with Saanvi. As she knew Saanvi would never judge her and give her the right suggestions.

"Nothing di, actually... you also wanted to say something, you can go first" said Adithi.

"Actually Adithi, i was worried about our grandparents, they generally are really happy and mingle with everyone but today when they faced Abhimaan Chauhan, Gayatri Chauhan, Abhijeet Rathore and Geetha Rathore they were lost and really disturbed and the same expressions were seen on their faces too. Pain was seen in all of their eyes, even though they tried to hide it behind forced smiles and cheerful words. The weight of their shared hardship had taken its toll, etching lines of suffering on their faces that no façade could fully conceal. Each glance exchanged between them conveyed a silent understanding of the pain they were collectively enduring, a pain that ran deep and seemed almost unbearable. I don't know what to do I've never seen them so upset, something is definitely wrong" said Saanvi.

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