Chapter 5 POV Elsie

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Vincent goes to the study to make the call; afraid that I might get bored, he turns on the TV in the living room for me.

I use the remote to change channels and find that the BBC is airing a documentary called "Treasures of Chinese Porcelain."

Ceramic expert Lars Tharp delves into China, starting with the kaolin clay from the southern town, Jingdezhen, explaining how Chinese clay merges with another material—mica—to become porcelain.

I stare at the TV intently, even forgetting that I'm still at Vincent's house.

After a long while, someone calls my name.


I finally react, turning abruptly, "Have you finished work, Mr. Vincent?"

Because I feel embarrassed, my face starts to burn.

Vincent crosses his arms, leans against the wall, glances at the TV, then looks at me but isn't annoyed.

"Are you interested in ceramics?" he asks.

"Yeah," I nod, "I even bought equipment at home and made a cup."

"Do you have any photos? Can I see them?" he asks.

I hand him my phone.

"As a beginner, you're very talented," Vincent comments.

"Thank you," I smile.

The documentary on TV is still playing. Vincent glances at the blue-and-white porcelain on the screen, nods, "It does look good."

Then we go to the kitchen. Vincent makes coffee, and I notice the dinner plates we used earlier still on the table. I take them to the sink to rinse.

As Vincent finishes making coffee, I just finish washing the plates. We sit together at the table.

"What do you want?" the person across from me suddenly lazily asks.

I'm stunned.

Maybe the atmosphere between the two of us has been too natural that I forgot that we have a business relationship based on money.

The room falls silent, with only the sound of him stirring the coffee with a spoon.

I've been silent, and Vincent thinks I'm just embarrassed.

"It's okay; It's good to have big ambitions."

I feel strange now, my heart sour and swollen, like lying on cotton.

After some thought, I mention a director's name, "I want to join his crew."

The director is named Benjamin, quite famous, and every year, actors from his crew are nominated for various awards. Many Best Actor and Best Actress winners come from his films.

In fact, I've already discussed collaboration with the director, and we just need to sign the contract.

But given Vincent's busy schedule, he might give the task to his assistant.

"Got it. I'll handle it," Vincent responds.

"Thank you."

"Have some coffee," Vincent says to me again.

"Oh, okay." I pick up the cup and take a sip.

Vincent continues to tilt his head and watch me.


When I place the cup back on the table, he says with a somewhat frivolous tone, "Let's go to the bedroom and do it again."


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