Chapter 14 POV Elsie

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A few days later, Nick appears on the set again, delivering a large box to me.

Inside is a set of jewelry—a necklace, a bracelet, and a pair of earrings.

After putting them on, I take a photo and send it to Vincent.

Before I can express my thanks, he replies, "When I chose them, I was thinking you would look stunning in them, especially that necklace. Next time, I'll help you put them on."

My mind suddenly conjures up some strange images.

This man seems to have a special fascination with my neck, always kissing it endlessly.

Biting my lip, I type, "Mr. Vincent, what do you mean?"

He responds, "Miss Elsie, you know what I mean."

I can't help but smile.

Our conversation continues, but it becomes increasingly peculiar.

It's still daytime, and I glance at the sun outside, wondering how this man can be so shameless.

Blushing, I type, "Mr. Vincent, can we change the topic?"

Vincent doesn't reply anymore.

A minute later, he calls me.

"Miss Elsie, actually, I have something to discuss with you."


"Our company's latest game is about to be released. Would you like to be the spokesperson? The remuneration is generous."

"Of course." I think to myself that even if it were unpaid, I would still gladly accept.

But I hesitate to say it.

At this moment, Bryan suddenly exclaims beside me.

I make a hushing gesture, and Bryan rushes over, placing his phone screen in front of me. He took a photo of the jewelry and searched for its price.

"Is Vincent crazy?!" Bryan says through lip movements.

I'm shocked too.

"Mr. Vincent," I quickly change the subject, "the price of this jewelry set is too high. I can't accept it."

My current income can afford it, but as a gift, it's just too extravagant.

"I bought it for you; it's yours. Wear it if you want, throw it away if you don't. You don't have to tell me," he lightly chuckles over the phone.

I pause and say, "How could I throw it away?"

Vincent replies, "Then wear it."

There's a knock on the door outside, reminding me of the upcoming shoot.

Vincent hears it and says, "I won't disturb you, bye."

"Wait." I quickly stop him, "Are you free this Saturday?"

Vincent pauses and says, "There might be a dinner engagement."

I hesitate, "Can I come see you?"

"It's a work-related dinner."

"No, I mean... I want to... I'll come over at noon. We can spend the afternoon, and I'll leave in the evening."

"So clingy?" Vincent chuckles, "Come whenever you want. I'll have someone pick you up."

"No need. I'll come on my own," I hurry to say, "See you next Saturday."

This holiday is negotiated with the director, using overtime as a condition to request it.

On Friday night, I ask Bryan to go to the auction house to pick up a porcelain piece and then prepare small cakes at home.

When I show Lucy the third small cake, she nods and says, "It's perfect, really."

The small cake is covered with a layer of white cream, adorned with fresh fruits, looking similar to those sold outside.

I put a small umbrella made of chocolate in the middle and then pack it in a box.

The next morning, I drive to Vincent's home. Bryan's call suddenly comes in, "Is that piece of porcelain meant for Vincent???"

His voice is so sharp that it feels like my eardrums are about to burst.

"Yes," I answer, then lower the volume of the Bluetooth earphones.

Today, I want to tell Vincent how I feel to him.

Bryan continues on the phone, "I beg you, can you straighten out who you are? You're not in a normal relationship; he's your sugar daddy. You don't need to give him money..."

Before he can finish, he realizes he's gone too far and quickly stops.

I fall into silence.

Bryan pauses, and lower his voice, "Okay... Actually, Vincent has been quite good to you recently. You've been together for three months, right? Seems like no other woman has stayed with him for such a long time."


Then I look at the weather outside and ask Bryan, "Do you think it will snow today?"

"The weather forecast says so," he replies.

But it hasn't started yet. I think to myself.

I hang up the phone and park in front of Vincent's apartment.

We agreed to meet at noon, but I arrived early, around eleven.

Afraid of being recognized by passersby, I put on a mask and head towards Vincent's home.

On the way, I keep wondering if he'll be upset because I arrived early without notice.

As I reach the corner, I hesitate for a moment but decide to send him a message.

Placing the cake on the ground, I take out my phone.

Typing with gloves on is inconvenient, so I remove them, feeling the biting cold in the air.

Just as I open the whatsapp, I hear voices from in front of me. Subconsciously, I look up and see Vincent standing not far away.

He's wearing a black suit, lips curled into a smile. Our eyes meet.

There is a beautiful woman in a white coat standing by his side .

I'm momentarily dazed, as if seeing another version of myself. We look very similar, especially our eyes.

They are just a fist's distance apart, so close that he could easily kiss her ear by tilting his head.

In an instant, a name inexplicably flashes through my mind: Charlotte.

Yes, Charlotte.

The sky suddenly turns brilliantly white, and it begins to snow.

I've checked the weather forecast countless times, anticipating the first snow for days, and now it arrives as expected.

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