Chapter 20 POV Vincent

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I don't know when I fell asleep, but when it's dawn, Elsie is gone.

The empty room almost makes me think that everything from last night was a dream.

I text Elsie: [Where are you?]

She doesn't reply.

Instead, Nick suddenly sends me a message along with a video.

Last night was the test screening of the movie "Buildwas Abbey," and Nick took his girlfriend to watch it. Afterward, they went backstage to say goodbye to Elsie. Elsie mentioned that the test screening was a great success, and the creative team decided to host a cocktail party. Elsie invited them to stay. However, Nick's girlfriend had an early shift the next day, so they politely declined.

According to this, Nick checked the surveillance footage from the private cinema and found that the actor named Marlon added white powder to Elsie's drink.

So, Elsie's sweetness yesterday was not because of me.


I put on clothes and immediately call Elsie.

She doesn't answer.

I grit my teeth and check her talent agency's address on my phone.

I walk to the entrance, press the button, and the electric glass door opens.

Just as I arrive, someone comes out of the elevator - her agent, Bryan.

"Where were you last night?" I take a few steps forward.

I didn't see Bryan's figure in the surveillance footage Nick sent. As an agent, he's extremely unqualified.

Bryan hesitates, "You're the one who saved Elsie last night?"

I snort, "Take me to see her."

Things are pretty clear now.

Elsie realized she was drugged, called me, slept with me, and then left. She also tried to hide the fact that we spent the night together from others.

I feel used.

Elsie is currently in Bryan's office.

As I walk in, she happens to turn her swivel chair, looks surprised when she sees me.

I walk straight over, stand by the desk, look down at her, and speak in a flat tone, "Let's go."

"Where to?"

"I've made an appointment with a doctor at a private hospital for you."

"I'm fine, I just need to rest."

"I'm really worried about you," I interrupt her.

After all, who knows what addictive substance might have been in that white powder?

Elsie falls silent for a moment. Bryan beside her widens his eyes.

But Elsie also understands that I'm not making a big deal out of it.

She picks up her bag from the chair.

I reach out, and she hesitates before handing it to me.

Bryan looks at her, then at me.

I glance at him, "Where're you going? Need a ride?"

Bryan snaps out of it, "I have my own car."

The three of us go down together.

"With all due respect... Did you two... spend the night together last night?" Bryan finally asks.



Elsie and I answer simultaneously. We lock eyes for a second and change our answers.




In the parking lot, I pull Elsie into my car and drive her to the hospital. Throughout the journey, we remain silent, with only two radio hosts discussing Easter topics to fill the quietness inside the car.

Finally, I break the silence, "Were you in China a few months ago?"


"I saw the porcelain you made; truly beautiful."

"Thank you."

Elsie merely expresses her thanks without commenting, and the conversation comes to an end.

After a while, she says, "Actually, Bryan is a good man. He rushed back from out of town yesterday and kept insisting that I call the police."

"So why don't you?" I turn to look at her.

"I can't. First, Marlon didn't make it; and second, if I call the police, the film will lose money due to the scandal."

"Elsie Hannaway."

Sometimes I really want to knock on her head to see what's inside, "I'm the investor. I don't even care about that money. What are you hesitating for?"

"You don't care, that's okay. You have money," Elsie lowers her eyes, "What about Benjamin, the director? This is the last work of his artistic career. And the other behind-the-scenes staff, over 600 people have been preparing for this movie for three years."

...I suddenly don't know how to answer this question.

The car stops at the hospital entrance.

After the blood test, Elsie walks into the doctor's office, sits in front of the desk, and I follow her in, sitting on the nearby sofa.

Fortunately, Elsie's blood contains only some sedatives and no heroin or marijuana-like substances.

The doctor says to drink more water and get more rest.

In addition, her hemoglobin level is significantly below 110g/L, indicating severe anemia.

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