【 T I M E L I N E】

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  The ship soon came to a landing pad on an unknown planet. One that the Guardians had yet to discover, so they were weary when stepping off. To them, danger could be lurking around the corner. Given their recent run-in's with a few people — especially the ones that want them dead. Which seemed to be everyone.

  From the front of the ship emerges a small platform, four out of the six Guardians with an additional two of Mantis and Ego had occupied the small space. They weren't shoulder-to-shoulder, given that the small platform made rather large area for them. Plus, [Y/n] hitched a ride in Quill's shoulder. 

  She felt that a higher view of the place was more strategic. Whether in combat or not. From up here, she could see any incoming danger that they couldn't see, and whatever else was on the ground far below. But the planet's overall appearance brought her features inward. 

  It wasn't like many planets, which were usually failing and filled with buildings that used spare metal parts mended into the stabilizers to keep them held up. Or was crowded with assholes that didn't know the first thing about generosity. Then again, neither did she. But she was learning. At least she doesn't steal from the blind.

  Not all the time. 

  ''Welcome, everyone, to my world.'' Ego praised in his own glory. His planet. 

  [Y/n] was still on edge about it. Something didn't sit right with Ego. Whether it was the smell, the clothes, or the way he owns the whole planet without any inhabitants. Any of those could be a possibility. Some more obvious than others, but there are still aspects to backtrack on. 

  ''Wow,'' Quill was astonished by the sight. Lush forestry of a few rare color varieties — including green — and tall towers made up of unknowledgeable substances. ''You have your own planet?''

  ''Come on. No larger than your Earth's Moon.'' 

  [Y/n] tried paying attention. But she was side-tracked. Her eyes wandered off to the iridescent spheres in the air. All shining different colors. She reached out to touch one, but it hovered just above her outstretched paw. Just barely missing her finger. It was a little disappointing. She sat back down against Quill's shoulder, watching as the spheres continued to float away behind them. 

  She wished Rocket was here to see this. It would've been better with him here. 

  ''Humanity.'' Drax pipped up. ''I like it. I, too, am extraordinary humble.'' 

    The mammal scoffed. ''Yeah, right.''

  ''You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you exactly?'' Gamora brought up a good question. Since they had met Ego, no one had bothered to ask about it. The moment when he saved their asses from being apprehended by the Sovereign was long forgotten till now. 

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