【 E M O T I O N S】

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  After Quill was able to gather most of his bearings, both the Ravagers and the Guardians went on with their plan. The one to sneak into the OrgoScope and find out what was going on, hopefully, to find out how to save Rocket from his unlikely demise. 

  One of the Ravagers passed out orange uniforms, skipping Groot and [Y/n].

  ''What are these?'' Drax inquired, moving the vibrant-colored fabric between his fingers. 

  Stakar Ogord walked past, ''OrgoCorp uniforms. You're gonna have to wear these to move through the Orgo without attracting attention.''

  Quill gave a nod, before turning back down to his much needed uniform. This mission was top priority, if something went wrong, everything could fall. If they were caught sneaking in or about the Orgo, they won't get the information they need on Rocket. If they couldn't get the information needed on Rocket, well... it speaks for itself. 

  Drax refused to listen to the intensity of the mission, instead deadpanning to Stakar. ''This isn't my color.''

  The man swiveled, walking with large, heavy strides to Drax. ''What did you say?''

  ''It clashes with my eyes.''

  The Ravagers surrounding them all laughed, although it wasn't meant to be a joke, but taken rather seriously. Drax meant it. It clashed with his eyes. Stakar didn't wait for Drax to give another complaint. ''Put it on!''

  Quill caught up with Nebula, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him. ''Nebula, why would you not tell me that you've been in contact with Gamora?''

  ''Because I didn't want you to get freaked out.''

  ''Freaked out how?'' Quill's voice reached an unnaturally high tone towards the end, proving Nebula right about her suspicions. 

  ''Like that.''

  The Guardians move into different stalls, undressing and putting on the much-needed outfit.

  ''Gamora,'' Mantis addressed, peeking over the door. ''we are grateful for your help.''

  Gamora circled around Stakar, glancing back to Mantis. ''Oh, I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I'm doing this for the hundred thousand units my sister promised.'' She deadpanned. Of course, there was some sort of bribe. 

  From between two Ravagers, [Y/n] groaned. Her paws running over her eyes screwed eyes in frustration. A Ravager laughs before Quill tries to start a conversation with Gamora. ''So, you're a Ravager now?''

  ''Put on the uniform.'' 

  ''Never pictured you as the Ravager type.''

  The two stared back at one another, both with completely different expressions. One held admiration, longing. The other, held disgust. ''Who are you again?''

  Quill went silent after that. He felt that he'd been shattered.. again. 

  While the Guardians suit themselves into the uniforms, and to make it easier, Stakar began with a briefing. ''OrgoCorp is in possession of some of the most advanced cybergenetic IP in the galaxy, so they're heavily guarded by the deadly Orgosentries. Now, I know you don't have documentation to dock, so you're gonna have to get in there on your own. Once in, Gamora is gonna lead you to the records, where maybe you can find the passkey to override the kill switch and help you save the hedgehog.''

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