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I was eating some leftovers from last night's dinner on the couch while Jeremy and Lorenzo were sitting next to me watching the movie that we were supposed to watch as a "family."

Who I'm kidding, we weren't the same people after our sister disappeared, and our parents died in a stupid car accident, which wasn't an accident but it was too late when we found out who stood up behind our parents dead,it was too late we were always late for everything

Late?I hate that word. I assume that I hate everything at this point
I had nothing to be exited anymore. I had nothing to be grateful for.

Ok, maybe I was grateful to Leo for practically raising us all and that he still has to deal with us for the rest of his life.

but it is what it is
live is unfair most of the times he stole a lot of things from us and the only thing that kept us sanne he hide it so well that even after 8th years we still can't find it but I always had hope that our princess will appear at the front door

like in the movies, but the reality always hits me hard
She was the only person who could make me melt and who could make me listen, like an obedient puppy.

I always think about her
My dreams start and end up with her snuggle up in my arms,she liked cuddles she almost always slept with me or Leo, maybe ones or twice a month with Allan

But they are twins they spended most of their time together they always eat and went to school together which was one of the main reasons why Kiara didn't have friends she went with Allan everywhere they were un inseparable

But that morning changed everything we didn't know how to tell Allan about it so we lied to him and told him that she went to a only girl camping trip and he believed us until three weeks passed and he started to get suspicious of us and one night he told us  that he haved called her phone over 20 times but she didn't picked up

And we didn't have any other option but to tell him the truth
I will never forget what I witnessed that night he was like a beast. We couldn't even stop him from breaking his room, and we didn't even try to stop him. We were too guilty to do it

He had to let out his pain on something
That was the first and the last time that I saw him this broken.

I didn't even notice that I had finished my food when we heard Allan shouting

"What the heck is going on?"
Said Enzo and followed after Jeremy, who ran upstairs immediately

And I decided to go after them
We found Allan in Leo's room, who looked worried

Too worried...

Jeremy asked them what's going on, and the words that left Leo's mouth made me let out a tear.

"I found Kiara."

We all shouted at the same time 
I was on the verge of tears  now

"Are you sure that the barista girl is her?"
Said Enzo

"Barista girl?,"
I asked, confused

Leo told us what happened at the cafe. Everyone was crying while I was sitting on the bed with a blank look.
Silence took over the place
Everyone was busy thinking about the situation

But I decided to break it
"Them, what are we waiting for? Let's go and bring her home."


I went back home around 6 pm, and decided to take a shower
Today was full of surprises
first, my father's death them my brothers

My brothers? My foster mother told me that I have had brothers, but 5!? No freaking way

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