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Two weeks later


I was sitting on the couch in the living room on my last day in the "Russo's prison," like Allan liked to call it

Yeah, you get it. I was grounded for two weeks, even though I'm 18

And all I did was go to Uni,go home, sleep, and eat and again sleep

Amd Leo didn't even allow me to meet with Anni
I almost thought that I got him yesterday
But he didn't give in this easily

I should have shown him my puppy eyes. No one can resist them!

Anyway, it's Sunday today, which means that everyone should be home,but I woke up two hours ago, and still no one had come downstairs

And I'm starting to get annoyed!

So I decided to go and wake everyone up

I got up from the couch and went upstairs straight to my twin's room

I opened his door and saw him laying on his stomach on the bed dead asleep

I went towards him and shaked him a little, but he didn't move

"Allan, wake up." I said
He just turned his head on the other side
"Ok,then," I said and jumped on his back, and he groaned

"I'm awake,awake, get off of me!" He said and pushed me off of him

When I was sure that he won't get back to sleep, I went to wake up someone else but was met with Enzo in the hallway

"Good morning Enzi!" I said, and he hugged me, saying good morning

He went downstairs, and I went to wake up Kyle

I opened his door and went inside to see him sleeping on the small couch instead of the bed

He looks tired, so I will let him sleep
I got a blanket and covered him with it, and I left the room

Now are the oldies

I knocked on Jeremy's door cause he was usually awake at this hour, and I was right
He opened the door still in his pajamas and when he saw me he smiled

"Good morning Kiki!"He said, and he kissed me on the forehead

"Morning Jer," I said and told him that I would go and wake up Leo he nodded and went to change his clothes

I barged inside Leo's room and jumped on the bed next to him, and that startled him
And he immediately shot up, looking around and them he spotted me

I smiled checky at him, and he just looked at me blankly and fell back on the bed

No!he is not sleeping anymore

"Oh,come on, Ardo, wake up!"I groaned. How can they all be this stubborn

Them out of nowhere, Leo turned towards me, with wide eyes
I looked at him confused

"What did you call me?" He asked me, still looking at me with amusement

"What did I call you, Ardi? I don't know what you are talking about?" I said and smirked

He suddenly hugged me tight to his chest, and I chuckled
He remembers

"You,little- do you have any idea how long I waited to hear you call me,with your nicknames !"He said, and I lifted my head to see him

"Really, you should have told me," I said

"I thought that you don't remember,"he said, and his face suddenly fell

"How can I forget my Lion King?"I said and smiled when I remembered the way I watched "The Lion King, " and my five years old thought that Leo is the lion in the film cause of his name

He, of course, played along, and from there, the nikname was born and to not forget that I was his "Princess Kiara," and the princess of the lions

And yeah

"Ma princesse" Leo said and kissed my cheek

I remember Leo, I remember everything


"Tell me if you like it?" Jeremy said and placed in front of us bowls full of something? With some fruits

I tried it first, and wow ,that was so good! Everyone else tried it after me and praised Jer for the taste of it

"What's in this?" All asked him while eating the last seep from it

"Smoothie in a bowl,it sounds strange, but it came out good!"

"What are we doing today?" I asked, and they all looked at me
"We can go in the pool, is inside, so the weather is not a problem," Leo suggested, and we all agreed with him

"Ok,them we meet here in 15 minutes," Leo said and chased us out of the kitchen


I went into the bathroom with my bikini and put them on, and looked at myself in the mirror

And hell
I look sexy

Finally, all my tattoos are showing
Let's see the boys' reaction now

I exited my room and went downstairs to the kitchen

"I'm here!" I sang, and their jaws dropped

"What the hell!?"
"Change that!"
"Who allowed you to wear that!"
"Oh,nah, you are not wearing that!"
"I want the same tattoos!" My twiny said, and everyone glared at him

I sighed
"I'm wearing this, and that's it!" I said, raising my voice
Leo raised his brow and started walking towards me
"No,you are no - "

I cut him off
"I am now let's go," I said and turned around with them trailing behind me

We went inside the elevator
and Kyle pushed the last button

We started going down, and then we stopped, and the door opened

I ran out first, ignoring Jeremy's screaming to not run, and my clumsy ass slipped, and I fell on my butt

I lay on the wet ground, and I heard footsteps, and I was lifted and carried to one of the sun loungers by Jerry

"Are you hurt? I told you not to run!" He scolded me

"No,I'm fine it was fun!" I said and smirked, and Leo shaked his head


We were in the pool all day
We played in the water Enzo, and I tried to drow each other a few times. We played chicken fight with me on Leo's shoulders because everyone else kept throwing me here and there, and I have never had a better day than this

I was now in my bed going to sleep without eating, which Jeremy won't be too pleased about, but I'm too tired to even move. So I snuggled in my sheets and was out like a light.



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