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"I just stepped on the ring, ready to fight with a girl that was tree times bigger than me, and I'm sure that she injected herself with some stimulants before she camed here she looked so energized and ready to beat the shit out of me while I stood there with my two hours of sleep and five coffees and barely eaten for the last 2 days

The judge blew the whistle, and the big girl merged towards me, I'm not going to let her win. I have a plan already made up in my head,I'm going to run around her and will try to douche her hits as much as I can, and hope that she is going to get tired or I'm going to get tired and beaten in the end but it's worth trying the price Is more than enough to buy a penthouse and go shopping for new clothes

That, I was in desperate need of, so I have to win tonight whatever it takes, or I'm going back to the motel full of rats and insects

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my jaw suddenly hurting, and I locked eyes with my opponent
She just punched me!
I started to jump around and avoid her punches as much as I could, and I could already see her sweating from everywhere
Them I got the perfect idea to annoy her more
"Hey!fatty pig,why can't you catch me, huh?!"
I laughed
"Why are you so slow?!"
She looked angry, ready to kill me
"Did the big girl get angry?!" I continued to mock her
With every punch, she got slower and slower until she stopped to catch her breath, and I got my chance and hit her in the stomach, and them
She widened her eyes and held her stomach
Them I started punching her head
And she fell down,and I got on top of her
Who is calling me?
I felt some hands on my shoulders, and someone pulled me on the ground
"Kiara!wake up!!"

Then I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed
I was dreaming of that night again,but someone woke me up before I could get to the end of it, but
The question is, who?
I tried to look around, but my eyesight was still blurry,

I could see someone in front of me, and when my sight finally cleared,I saw a worried looking Kyle and Allan
I smiled and said
Good morning to both of them
"Are you ok, princess? You were tossing and turning around in your sleep."
Kyle told me ,still looking worried
"It took us a while to wake you up,we got worried."
Allan said, holding his cheek
I looked at him with curiosity
"Why are you holding your cheek?"

He looked at me, and them turned to Kyle with a glare
"We didn't know what to do to wake you up, so I was about to slap you, but instead, I was the one slapped,"he said, still glaring at Kyle who just ignored him and continue to look at me

am I this interesting?
Do I look that bad?
"Why are you looking at me?"
I asked Kyle,
"I just want to look at you. Why? is it bad that I want to watch my sister?"
He said and pinched my check
Before I could answer him, Allan started shouting
"I'm hungry!let's go and eat already!Jeremy is cooking something delicious, for breakfast, and I can't wait anymore."

I lifted myself from the bed and made my way to the bathroom
I brushed my teeth,washed my face, and them I wore my clothes

I headed downstairs when I was ready
When I opened the door, I was met with Kyle leaning on the wall next to it
"Let's go,follow me,"
I started walking behind him and
We passed the living room, and I could already hear loud talking from the kitchen, but when Kyle and I walked in, everything went silent

"Good morning, guys!"
I said and sat next to Leo
Leo turned towards me

"Good morning, Kiki."
He said and smiled at me
Then I saw a plate being put in front of me, and Jeremy began to fill it with pancakes,eggs, and toasts
"I didn't know what you like to eat, so I decided to make three in one breakfast,I hope you like it." He said and sat next to me

Then the door opened, and Lorenzo and Allan came from it they said good morning and sat on their chairs opposite me

I was eating the big breakfast when the realization hit me, and I immediately stood up
"I'm late for university!
I started running towards the door but stopped and turned towards my brothers, who stood there amused by my reaction

"You go to Uni?"
Jeremy asked me them. Allan looked at him weirdly
"Of course she goes she is eighteen."
"Opps,I forgot again,"
Jeremy said, and I rolled my eyes

"Of course I can see that she is eighteen,but I was curious because not everyone go to university after they finish school."

I looked at them
"Guys, can I borrow a car,please?. "
"No,no,no, I'm going to drive you," Leo said and walked towards me
"Come on, go and get dressed up."


I got the car keys and sat on the couch waiting for Kiara to come
This will be her last day at this University ,I'm going to sign her up in the one where the boys are, is closer,her brothers are there, and only rich people go there so the protection is stronger,there are guards all around it so the place is safe and I won't get too worried

And I think of making a reservation later for dinner, It will be good to spend some quality time as a family, and I will have a chance to get to know Kiara better she still haven't said anything about her,we don't know much and I want her to trust us more

But I understand she needs time, and I'm not going to pressure her to tell me anything if she doesn't want to

After a few minutes of waiting, I saw her coming towards me,I stood up, and we headed towards the cars.


I followed Leo to the garage, and he opened the door, and my jaw literally fell down
I haven't seen this many cars in one place and expensive ones, by the way
He led us towards I assumed his car, he sat on the driver seat and I sat on the passenger seat
Leo started the car, and we headed towards the university

"Noo, I am going to be late. we have an hour drive, and the lecture starts in 20 minutes." I winned and laid back on the car seat
"Why don't you call someone and tell them to say that you are going to be late."
Oh!I didn't think about that. I immediately searched for my other devil and waited for her to pick up
"Where are you!?"
So she finally decided to pick up
"Listen.tell Miss Rainer, that I am going to be late today,"
"Ok, I am going to tell her,I'm waiting for you."


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